My Thyroid Condition
I am adding a 'My thyroid condition' category to my blog and I'll write about it for others to find if they search for personal accounts of the illness.
What If?
There's a question that is plaguing me these days. What if? What if I do have cancer and it is time for me to die?
Walking Through The Valley
Two days after I posted a blog entry about wanting a letter from the hospital as a sign from God I got a letter from the hospital.
Decision Made
I have a hard time making decisions at times. Sometimes God steps in and helps me and I believe He has helped me decide to have surgery.
Hedging My Bets
I have decided to leave my treatment in God's hands for the time being but I am not cancelling my thyroid surgery yet.
Symptoms And Thoughts
I have compiled a list of all the symptoms I have and I also recorded what God had to say to me about the situation.
I Might Have Cancer
There is a chance I have follicular cancer of the thyroid gland and I have to choose. Will I accept treatment or leave it all up to God?