Four Months Post Surgery
This entry covers the four months that have passed since I had surgery to remove my thyroid gland after being diagnosed with follicular cancer.
One Week Post Op Round Two
It is a week now since I had my second surgery which was a "completion thyroidectomy". They have now removed both sides of my thyroid gland.
I Have Cancer
The test results on the lump in my right thyroid lobe have come back and I have follicular cancer of the thyroid gland.
One Week Post Operation
It has been a week since I had my hemi-thyroidectomy. Here is a day by day running commentary on my recovery.
My Thyroid Operation
I have had half my thyroid gland removed. Now I have to wait for them to tell me if they will have to take the other half.
I Might Have Cancer
There is a chance I have follicular cancer of the thyroid gland and I have to choose. Will I accept treatment or leave it all up to God?