Depression Strikes Again
Depression is a difficult thing to get rid of when you are prone to all varieties of it. Here is the tale of my latest run-in with the beast.
Turning A Corner
I feel like I have turned a corner with my gambling problem. It's early days yet but I actually think I am no longer addicted.
Believe Your Bank Balance
I've been fighting the urge to gamble tonight and it has led to me coming up with a new slogan that I hope will help me beat my gambling addiction.
Pessimism, Paranoia And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
A trojan horse on my computer triggers pessimism and paranoia. These activate my PTSD and my reactions cause more harm than the trojan itself!
Some information about addiction and how I handled my lapse back into my gambling addiction. The difference between a lapse and a relapse and the use of positive self-talk to prevent relapse.
Trust, Self-Talk and Support.
The situation at work turns out to be due to a mistake I have made. This entry describes how I trusted my co-worker to be supportive of me and used positive self-talk to work through it.
Paranoia, Panic, Self-Talk and Persistence.
Another incident at work triggers paranoia, pessimism and panic in me. This is the story of how I used positive self-talk to cope with my feelings and reactions to the situation.
Pessimism, Anxiety and Self-Talk
The details of how I used several life-skills to cope with an incident at work. The incident caused anxiety, fired up my habitual pessimism and created panic in me.
You can’t believe everything you tell yourself.
The tale of my arrogant attempt to save the soul of a priest and how God taught me to question the excuses I give myself for my own behaviour.