Everyone Needs A Mental Health Safety Net
Mental Health Defenders And Mental Health Saboteurs. The diagram above illustrates what can be either mental health defenders or mental health saboteurs. These are six areas of life that can help protect people from mental health problems but they can also make people more vulnerable to them. They can work to help people recover from problems or push them deeper into distress. The healthier these areas of life are the better equipped people will be to deal with the things that happen to them. The mental health defenders can be like a ring of defenses surrounding a person. The more of these you have around you the more protected you…
Pessimism, Paranoia And Post Traumatic Stress Disorder.
A trojan horse on my computer triggers pessimism and paranoia. These activate my PTSD and my reactions cause more harm than the trojan itself!
Communication Formula
The first rule of good communication is this: The Only Person You Can Change Is Yourself! This does not mean other people can’t change — it just means you can’t change them! All you can do is communicate with them and see if they are willing to try and change. Good communication involves more than just telling someone you don’t like what they are doing. You need to be precise about three things for good communication. Good communication makes change possible so let the other person know: What they are doing wrong — be specific. How they are making you feel — be specific. What you would like them to…
Love And The Stages Of Change
This entry looks at the "stages of change" and how I am using them to try and get over my obsession with a man I haven't seen for six years. A man who doesn't want me and never did.
Some information about addiction and how I handled my lapse back into my gambling addiction. The difference between a lapse and a relapse and the use of positive self-talk to prevent relapse.
Pessimism, Anxiety and Self-Talk
The details of how I used several life-skills to cope with an incident at work. The incident caused anxiety, fired up my habitual pessimism and created panic in me.
Problem Solving
Even psychologists have problems. Here's an insight into how I tackled pessimism and procrastination when I had to take my computer in to be fixed.