Rejecting Negativity
A sermon triggered tears and I wasn't sure why so I turned to God to discuss what was going on and what He wanted me to do about it.
How I Came To Be Born Again
I have been asked to tell the story of my conversion to Christianity so here it is. Some of the details are a bit foggy because it all happened so long ago but this is how I came to accept Christ as my Saviour and start the journey that led me to where I am now. My mother believed in God. I think. She never talked about Him or not that I can recall but she sent my sister and I to Sunday school every Sunday when we were small. She used to dress us up and send us to wait on the side of the road where the Sunday…
From Law To Love
I went to church again last Sunday and the wheels fell off my little red wagon throwing me to the ground with a nasty thump! It forced me to have a chat with God again.
The Inner Child And Medication Side Effects
One of the side effects of taking medication for my depression seems to be a loss of my writing abilities so, in this entry, I have turned to my past and written a story I know well and have told often. The entry looks at how God introduced me to my inner child as well as the issue of medication affecting my ability to write.
Lesson One.
The story of how I came to be a born again Christian. The first thing God did was show me how to get rid of the nightmares that were depriving me of much needed sleep.