Hi – it’s been a while. I’ve been missing because the domain provider sold my dot com domain to someone else when my brother’s auto renewal arrangements failed. My brother has now transferred everything to a dot net domain instead and is trying to get the original domain back. Since I last wrote, which was in March 2024, things have worsened with my arthritis. I’m getting aged care services in the form of help to shower and help to take care of my house as I can’t do much myself now. I was getting meals-on-wheels which were surprisingly good but they changed and it was no longer suiting me so…
It's been almost two years since I updated. I'm still alive and still a Christian!
One More Month
I quit smoking almost two years ago which, if you know me, you know was a miracle God worked in me. Now He has helped me quit my addiction to diet coke too.
Sexuality And God
The story of how I came to believe promiscuity costs women their self esteem and costs men their ability to love a woman.
From Chaos To Calm
I've never appreciated life but, after much soul searching, I have agreed to fight the cancer that is threatening to take it from me.
How I Came To Be Born Again
I have been asked to tell the story of my conversion to Christianity so here it is. Some of the details are a bit foggy because it all happened so long ago but this is how I came to accept Christ as my Saviour and start the journey that led me to where I am now. My mother believed in God. I think. She never talked about Him or not that I can recall but she sent my sister and I to Sunday school every Sunday when we were small. She used to dress us up and send us to wait on the side of the road where the Sunday…
Why Does God Let Bad Things Happen?
The story of how I came to ask God why He lets bad things happen and the answer to the question that, I believe, He gave me.