Growing Pains
I feel like I'm growing as a Christian since I started reading the bible every day but it's not without it's growing pains.
Symptoms And Thoughts
I have compiled a list of all the symptoms I have and I also recorded what God had to say to me about the situation.
Comments On Conversations With God
Here are my thoughts, and the things I believe God said to me, about Neale Donald Walsch's book titled "Conversations with God".
To Be Or Not To Be
I have a very negative attitude to life which is at odds with the Christian ethos of joy being the result of salvation. Here is what God said about it.
Rejecting Negativity
A sermon triggered tears and I wasn't sure why so I turned to God to discuss what was going on and what He wanted me to do about it.
From Law To Love
I went to church again last Sunday and the wheels fell off my little red wagon throwing me to the ground with a nasty thump! It forced me to have a chat with God again.
God’s Love
This morning I asked God if there was anything I could do for Him and He said he wants me to write a blog entry about His love.
A Word From God
God spoke to me about my health. He wants me to cut back on the diet coke. This entry tells why.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
My doctor thinks I have COPD and she wants me to have an x-ray and tests to find out for sure. I think she is probably right but I also believe God recently healed at least some of the damage.
Memories Concluded
This is the fourth, and final, installment of my struggle to process the recovered memories of what happened to me when I was fifteen.