Tips on how to write.
There Is No I In Hell
This entry is a short story illustrating what I imagine judgement day and hell will be like for anyone who fails to accept the sacrifice of Christ.
How Do I Know God Loves Me?
A short poem I wrote describing how I know God loves me.
The English Language
I grieve the loss of standards in spelling and grammar these days but maybe it's just another step in the evolution of the English language.
More Bits And Pieces
Memories, gambling, role play games and blogging are the subjects of this entry. Just more bits and pieces from my life.
Three Tips For Good Writing
I have decided to write an entry about writing. I write instinctively so I am not really sure if these three tips on how to write will be of any use.
Google Improves The News
It sounds like search engines are forcing online newspapers to go back to their roots and present the news as news rather than gossip and sensationalism.
Trust Rank
My thoughts on the issue of Google trust rank. Is it really just about age and links or could it be connected to the disappearing skills of good writing?
Google Rates My Blog
Google has updated my page rank. I have gone from 0 to 5 and my brother says Google must love me but I'm not so sure as this entry explains.
Writer’s Block
My version of writer's block is having plenty of things to write about but needing to write about something I can't put a name to.
Blogging In My Own Words
The world of online diary keeping is confusing to say the least. Here are some of the things I have come across since starting my blog.