Stopping Abuse
Learn to identify and stop abusive behaviour.
Is My Behaviour A Problem?
People who are asking this question are usually responding to what other people have said. If you are looking at this page because you are wondering if your behaviour, or the behaviour of someone you know, is a problem I hope this article will help you decide. This article details a very easy way to tell if a behaviour is a problem. It can also help you decide how much of a problem the behaviour might be. To find out if you do have a problem you need to ask yourself if the behaviour has affected you negatively in any of “The Four L’s” and be brutally honest in answering…
Abuse Questionnaire Final Page
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Scoring Page
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part Four
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part Three
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part Two
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part One
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Feeling Overwhelmed
I am struggling to write resources for people seeking help to stop being abusive because there is so much to cover that I don't know where to start.
How To Stop Being Abusive
A lot of people are coming to this site through search terms such as “how do I stop being an abuser” and “how to stop abusing others”. I have had letters from people asking me for help to stop their abusive behaviour. I have not been able to post those letters on the site as the letter writers did not give me permission to do so but it seems there are people who are seeking help to change their ways. My website designer encouraged me to write this article on how to stop abusive behaviour but it is not as easy as it may seem. Most abuse prevention tends to…
About Abusive People
If I had a dollar for every time someone has asked the following questions I would be a very rich woman. “Why do people treat me badly?” “Why do people behave the way they do?” “Why do people use other people?” “Why does someone hurt the people they are supposed to love?” “Why can’t people respect other people?” “Why does an abuser always blame someone else?” “Why can’t people admit when they are wrong?” “Why do people turn into abusers? People often want to know why people use and abuse others. The first four questions listed above are all very similar and can be expressed as why does someone hurt…