Things That Make Me Angry.
Society Is The Real Biggest Loser
I've been watching Australia's Biggest Loser weight loss show because I met one of the contestants and saw him perform a couple of times. I am interested to see how he goes but watching the show reminds me of a boy I met who embarked on a life of crime thanks to a "game" he played when he was nine.
Children And Sex
Freud claimed children want to have sex with their parents. He based that theory on the fact children told him their parents were having sex with them!
Newspapers Suck
This rant on what makes the news and how it is presented was triggered by more hero worship of Australian shame job Shane Warne.
Pimp My Bride
I accidentally caught 45 minutes of a show called "Australian Princess" and this is my opinion of the human version of "Pimp My Ride".
I have been chosen to join those whose television viewing habits supply "The Ratings". This has prompted a rant about television, the media and certain celebrities.
Ti$ The $ea$on! I hate Chri$tma$ and all that it ha$ come to $tand for. This entry is my rant against a season that has become a time of bad manners.
Credit And General Electric’s Shameful Behaviour.
Even when you cut your credit cards up the banks don't let you go as this entry shows. It also includes a rant about the behaviour that should be making GE hang its corporate head in shame!
More Product Rants
They have taken my preferred frozen pizza off the shelves which makes me mad but I did find a toilet tissue that doesn't leave me with toilet paper dags.
Comedy Is Nothing To Laugh About.
A look at comedy through the eyes of a psychologist. My thoughts on the laziness of comedians and why I want them to work harder to amuse me.
Mailing List Rant
Introducing the concept of "piggy in the advertising middle" and my hatred of it. I resent the whole mailing list phenomenon. I automatically hate anyone who buys or sells my contact details!