Things That Make Me Angry.
The Devil Is In The Details
Insanity rules the world because those who are causing the destruction of the only planet we have are doing it to make a few extra dollars.
Letter To The Media
A taxi driver scammed my son out of his fare money and the police beat him up for expecting them to help him.
The Countdown
I have to present myself at my local hospital for an operation that will tell me if I do, or do not, have cancer of the thyroid gland soon.
I Might Have Cancer
There is a chance I have follicular cancer of the thyroid gland and I have to choose. Will I accept treatment or leave it all up to God?
It appears that government wants to make money from our addictions without having to pay too much for treating the consequences of them.
Major Legal Win For Australian Paedophiles
Australian paedophiles have had a major legal victory thanks to the verdict that was handed down by Judge David Reid on April 19, 2011.
A Very DEFT Scam
Most people will have heard the boiling frog story which says a frog dropped in boiling water will jump out but, if the water is heated slowly enough, the frog will allow itself to be boiled to death because it won't register the danger. Right now I feel like that frog except for one thing. I can feel the water getting hotter and I want to jump out but I can't because they have put a lid on the pot!
Election 2007
Australia voted not all that long ago and the country changed political hands for the first time in 11 years.
So Far So Good
It has now been 28 days since I last gambled and it is looking very good for me but my heart goes out to those whose gambling is a desperate attempt to survive from pay to pay. This entry exposes the truth about slot machines in pubs and clubs.
Little Children Are Sacred
The Australian government gets it wrong when dealing with Aboriginal people and it looks like they are not going to change any time soon.