My Thoughts On Psychology.
Frequently Asked Questions About Relationships
This page contains the answers to some very common problems people have. If your problem is similar to one of those listed below then the answer to your problem is probably here. Relationship Questions Q. How can I make the person I am interested in notice or like me? A. There are two ways to make someone notice you. The first is to dress or behave in ways that attract attention. This can backfire and get you attention you don’t want or create an impression of you that is not good. The second, preferable, way is to show the person you like them by showing an interest in them. Ask questions…
Through Objective Eyes
Once again I try to look at myself and my site through objective eyes. One sentence on another site has prompted this additional self examination.
Pedestrian Rage
Oops. Lost my temper and got into and argument about sidewalk rights. Where were my anger management skills when I needed them?
Children And Sex
Freud claimed children want to have sex with their parents. He based that theory on the fact children told him their parents were having sex with them!
Making Mistakes
I strongly suspect something I wrote in a previous entry might have been wrong. This entry explores that and what I have done about it.
Frequently Asked Questions About Psychology
Many people only have a vague idea what psychology is about. They don’t really know what a psychologist can do for them or what is involved in seeing one. This page attempts to address at least some of those issues. What is a psychologist? A psychologist is someone who has fulfilled the requirements to become registered with the governing body of their state and country to legally practice the profession of psychology. The requirements may vary from one country to another but will include having at least six years worth of training and the appropriate university degrees. In most cases the six years worth of training will all be university…
Learned Helplessness
During the 1970’s a researcher named Martin Seligman discovered a curious side-effect of some experiments he was performing on dogs. In these experiments he had three groups of dogs. One group was placed, one at a time, into a cage that had an electrified floor and no way to escape from the shocks delivered to them through the floor. A second group was placed in the same set-up but they had the option of jumping over a barrier to get away from the electric shocks. The third group were not exposed to electric shocks at all. After delivering shocks to the first two groups Seligman then put them all, one…
Porn And Problem Solving
I hate porn so, when it appeared in my site statistics, it upset me so I used the life skill of problem-solving to end the crisis.
Everyone Needs A Mental Health Safety Net
Mental Health Defenders And Mental Health Saboteurs. The diagram above illustrates what can be either mental health defenders or mental health saboteurs. These are six areas of life that can help protect people from mental health problems but they can also make people more vulnerable to them. They can work to help people recover from problems or push them deeper into distress. The healthier these areas of life are the better equipped people will be to deal with the things that happen to them. The mental health defenders can be like a ring of defenses surrounding a person. The more of these you have around you the more protected you…
Family Violence
Family Violence — Also Known As Domestic Violence Family Violence (FV) is the term now being used for what used to be called Domestic Violence (DV). The new term recognises violence is not always confined to the home and the people living there. Family violence is not usually a once off incident. It tends to be the usual way a family deals with things. Family violence can occur between couples whether they are the same sex or opposite sexes with either, or both, partners being violent but family violence is not confined to partners. Children can become violent towards parents, grandparents, brothers or sisters. Other relatives may enter the home…