My Thoughts On Psychology.
Marriage Counselling
Here are ten things I wish someone had told me before I got married. If I had known these things before marriage I might not be divorced now!
Unrequited Love
This entry is an update on how I am doing in my quest to get over loving someone who does not, and never did, love me back.
Giving Up Gambling Again
Things are getting pretty grim with my gambling addiction problem again so I am going to try a new tactic to try and help myself.
The Inner Child And Medication Side Effects
One of the side effects of taking medication for my depression seems to be a loss of my writing abilities so, in this entry, I have turned to my past and written a story I know well and have told often. The entry looks at how God introduced me to my inner child as well as the issue of medication affecting my ability to write.
Seeing A Psychologist
I'm starting therapy again soon. I have been thinking a lot about what to expect and how to deal with it. This entry explores my thoughts about the subject.
My Depression
This entry is a brief, fairly shallow, overview of the issue of depression and my experiences with it.
The anti-depressants seem to be interfering with my ability to write entries for my blog. I write them but decide not to post them. This entry looks at that.
Mental Illness And Treatment Compliance
I have been frustrated by clients who were non-compliant (did not obey treatment instructions) with their treatment and now I see I am non-compliant myself!
Help Seeking
There is an important life skill called "Help-seeking" and I am not very good at it. It has taken me 50 years but I am finally ready to use this skill.
Authority And Credibility
In a web world filled with scam artists, con merchants, rip off rogues and worse how can you tell who to trust? Me? Maybe not.