My Thoughts On Psychology.
Ozzy Ozbourne
I love Ozzy Ozbourne but only because he loves his wife.
Wedding Trip
I went interstate to attend my brothers wedding and it was a good experience but a thought provoking one in many ways.
Chemical Vampires
Chemical imbalances in my brain left me battling vampires in my dreams but the real vampires are depression and anxiety.
One Sure Thing
The only thing you can be sure of in this life is that you can't be sure of anything. Or can you?
Turning A Corner
I feel like I have turned a corner with my gambling problem. It's early days yet but I actually think I am no longer addicted.
Fear And Prejudice
I discovered I have become extremely prejudiced against other races yesterday and I traced it to it's source.
A Helping Hand
I'm very good at helping other people when they are in need but I'm very bad at every other aspect of relating to other people socially and personally.
Just another day without him but, today, it hurt more than usual.
Spring In Winter
At fifty years old I am in what some would describe as the winter of my life. Today I got a glimpse of spring.
My Online Game Addiction
I'm spending a lot of time in an online game called Syrnia and I have to ask myself if that is another addiction I'm prone to.