Life Skills
Skills To Make Life Better.
The Present In My Present
The here and now can often hold a small, insignificant, gift that can make me really happy if I let it.
Believe Your Bank Balance
I've been fighting the urge to gamble tonight and it has led to me coming up with a new slogan that I hope will help me beat my gambling addiction.
Celebrating Fifty
To commemorate my fiftieth birthday I have compiled a list of fifty things I have learned, often the hard way, about life and living.
Life Skills In Action
My gambling problem continues to plague me so I've had to use several of the life skills I've learned to try and overcome it.
Help Seeking
There is an important life skill called "Help-seeking" and I am not very good at it. It has taken me 50 years but I am finally ready to use this skill.
Authority And Credibility
In a web world filled with scam artists, con merchants, rip off rogues and worse how can you tell who to trust? Me? Maybe not.
Pedestrian Rage
Oops. Lost my temper and got into and argument about sidewalk rights. Where were my anger management skills when I needed them?
Porn And Problem Solving
I hate porn so, when it appeared in my site statistics, it upset me so I used the life skill of problem-solving to end the crisis.
Everyone Needs A Mental Health Safety Net
Mental Health Defenders And Mental Health Saboteurs. The diagram above illustrates what can be either mental health defenders or mental health saboteurs. These are six areas of life that can help protect people from mental health problems but they can also make people more vulnerable to them. They can work to help people recover from problems or push them deeper into distress. The healthier these areas of life are the better equipped people will be to deal with the things that happen to them. The mental health defenders can be like a ring of defenses surrounding a person. The more of these you have around you the more protected you…
How To Avoid Abusive People
This entry looks at three of the warning signs I look for to help me reduce my chances of getting involved with abusive people.