My Thoughts On Psychology.
Update On My Health
A lot of past blog entries were far too long. To change that I will focus on one thing per entry. This entry the focus is my health.
Relaxation Techniques
Five Techniques To Help You Relax There are a lot of relaxation techniques available to help people relax and a lot of variations even in the same technique. Most people want help to relax when they are having trouble getting to sleep so most relaxation techniques have sleep as their ultimate goal but some of these techniques can also be used to help people calm down when they are wound up. The first relaxation technique listed here, deep breathing, is often taught to people as part of an anger management training programme as it can be a useful tool to help people remain calm and in control of themselves when…
Is My Behaviour A Problem?
People who are asking this question are usually responding to what other people have said. If you are looking at this page because you are wondering if your behaviour, or the behaviour of someone you know, is a problem I hope this article will help you decide. This article details a very easy way to tell if a behaviour is a problem. It can also help you decide how much of a problem the behaviour might be. To find out if you do have a problem you need to ask yourself if the behaviour has affected you negatively in any of “The Four L’s” and be brutally honest in answering…
Sexuality And God
The story of how I came to believe promiscuity costs women their self esteem and costs men their ability to love a woman.
My Theory About Depression
I've had a theory about what causes depression for years now but it doesn't seem to be one that anyone else knows about so I thought I should share it.
Feeling Overwhelmed
I am struggling to write resources for people seeking help to stop being abusive because there is so much to cover that I don't know where to start.
Distorted Thinking
Whilst working on a new project I discovered some work I did to change my distorted thinking habits was actually only half the work I needed to do.
Back To Church
I’ve been going to church every Sunday for the past six weeks. I went to church now and then back when I first became a Christian but I was never comfortable no matter what church I went to. I felt both superior and inferior whenever I attended a church and the discomfort always caused me to stop going in the end. I used to walk away saying church had nothing to offer me and was more of a threat to my salvation than a help to my Christian walk. I felt superior because the people I met in church seemed shallow and insubstantial to me. None of them had gone…
Flash Forward Could Prove Fatal
The suicide, and subsequent adulation, of a main character in a new TV series called "Flash Forward" has me worried for the safety of vulnerable viewers.
General Advice For People Wanting Help To Stop Abuse
This entry is just a generic response to letters from people who want help to stop abuse from happening in their lives.