My Health
My various health issues.
My Thyroid Condition
I am adding a 'My thyroid condition' category to my blog and I'll write about it for others to find if they search for personal accounts of the illness.
What If?
There's a question that is plaguing me these days. What if? What if I do have cancer and it is time for me to die?
Walking Through The Valley
Two days after I posted a blog entry about wanting a letter from the hospital as a sign from God I got a letter from the hospital.
Decision Made
I have a hard time making decisions at times. Sometimes God steps in and helps me and I believe He has helped me decide to have surgery.
Hedging My Bets
I have decided to leave my treatment in God's hands for the time being but I am not cancelling my thyroid surgery yet.
Symptoms And Thoughts
I have compiled a list of all the symptoms I have and I also recorded what God had to say to me about the situation.
I Might Have Cancer
There is a chance I have follicular cancer of the thyroid gland and I have to choose. Will I accept treatment or leave it all up to God?
To Be Or Not To Be
I have a very negative attitude to life which is at odds with the Christian ethos of joy being the result of salvation. Here is what God said about it.
The Joy Of The Lord
I have been a born again Christian for around 33 years now and the issue of "the joy of the Lord" has troubled me for all of that time.
Break A Leg
I broke my ankle on Mother's day this year and discovered the whole six to eight weeks for healing a broken bone is a myth! I no longer consider being told to "Break a leg" to be good taste let alone good luck!