My Depression
My battle with depression.
More Bits And Pieces
Memories, gambling, role play games and blogging are the subjects of this entry. Just more bits and pieces from my life.
Memories Part Two
Memories of my time as a fifteen year old runaway continue to return to me and a much different picture of the world is emerging for me from them.
Mistaken Memories
Memories can be repressed or altered but I never thought any of mine had been. This week I discovered I have repressed details and altered facts in my memories of at least one of my experiences as a youngster.
The Present In My Present
The here and now can often hold a small, insignificant, gift that can make me really happy if I let it.
Marking Time
I'm feeling disconnected from God these days and I think it's because I'm not growing as a Christian any more.
One Last Bet
The sorry tale of my gambling addiction continues but I am placing what I hope will be my very last bet. If I do not win this bet it will cost me thousands of dollars!
Feeling The Pain
I have spent a lifetime dealing with the wounds left behind from being abused as a child. Now I am being asked to feel my pain not repress it.
Anti-Depressant Side-Effects And Gambling
The good news is I am less depressed. The bad news is I am still gambling and I am less anxious about it because I am feeling so much better.
Depression And Smoking
I'm a 50 cigarette per day smoker who has never tried to give up. I know why I have never tried to quit but I have kept that information to myself for the most part. Now I am sharing it.
Bits And Pieces
Gambling, falling over, junk mail, going bald and garbage are the subjects of this entry. What can I say? It's just bits and pieces from my life.