My Depression
My battle with depression.
Update On My Mental Health
After a lifetime battling mental health issues including anxiety, depression and PTSD all is calm in my world now for which I thank God!
One More Month
I quit smoking almost two years ago which, if you know me, you know was a miracle God worked in me. Now He has helped me quit my addiction to diet coke too.
Six Months Since God Set Me Free
December 24 marks six months since I last had a cigarette and I am dancing with joy over how easy God has made this for me.
My Theory About Depression
I've had a theory about what causes depression for years now but it doesn't seem to be one that anyone else knows about so I thought I should share it.
To Be Or Not To Be
I have a very negative attitude to life which is at odds with the Christian ethos of joy being the result of salvation. Here is what God said about it.
The Joy Of The Lord
I have been a born again Christian for around 33 years now and the issue of "the joy of the Lord" has troubled me for all of that time.
Season’s Greetings
I keep starting blog entries and deleting them but I really want to complete this one so I can wish my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
Saturday Fizzled
Sometimes I get so down on myself I lose sight of reality but God sometimes steps in to remind me of what is real which comforts me.
The Beat Goes On
Life is a dance. I just wish mine was not the Hokey Pokey!
Depression Strikes Again
Depression is a difficult thing to get rid of when you are prone to all varieties of it. Here is the tale of my latest run-in with the beast.