My Faith
Entries that touch on my faith in God.
Comments On Conversations With God
Here are my thoughts, and the things I believe God said to me, about Neale Donald Walsch's book titled "Conversations with God".
Major Project
I'm working on a major project to try and help people stop being abusive. It's a huge undertaking and I have mixed feelings about it to be honest.
To Be Or Not To Be
I have a very negative attitude to life which is at odds with the Christian ethos of joy being the result of salvation. Here is what God said about it.
Self-esteem Might Have Beens
The end of another year causes me to wonder what my life might have been like if I'd had good self-esteem.
Judgement Day And Hell
Here are my beliefs about what will happen on judgement day and what hell will be like. I believe everything we do to others we do to ourselves.
The Grace Of God
My new church has a few problems. I wish I could help them become a beacon of love in a world that needs love more every day.
How Do I Know God Loves Me?
A short poem I wrote describing how I know God loves me.
Rejecting Negativity
A sermon triggered tears and I wasn't sure why so I turned to God to discuss what was going on and what He wanted me to do about it.
How I Came To Be Born Again
I have been asked to tell the story of my conversion to Christianity so here it is. Some of the details are a bit foggy because it all happened so long ago but this is how I came to accept Christ as my Saviour and start the journey that led me to where I am now. My mother believed in God. I think. She never talked about Him or not that I can recall but she sent my sister and I to Sunday school every Sunday when we were small. She used to dress us up and send us to wait on the side of the road where the Sunday…
From Law To Love
I went to church again last Sunday and the wheels fell off my little red wagon throwing me to the ground with a nasty thump! It forced me to have a chat with God again.