Lessons From God
Things God Has Taught Me.
Bearing Fruit
I wrote this entry while the site was down but I still think it is of value so I will post it now anyway. I am in so much pain from my osteoarthritis some Sundays that I don’t go to church. They post their services online so I will always watch at home so I watched the sermon and it was about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. You can watch it here if you wish. I felt like this message was meant for me. The pastor was saying it’s not about forcing yourself to display the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, etc. It’s about becoming the kind…
One More Month
I quit smoking almost two years ago which, if you know me, you know was a miracle God worked in me. Now He has helped me quit my addiction to diet coke too.
Rejecting Negativity
A sermon triggered tears and I wasn't sure why so I turned to God to discuss what was going on and what He wanted me to do about it.
How I Came To Be Born Again
I have been asked to tell the story of my conversion to Christianity so here it is. Some of the details are a bit foggy because it all happened so long ago but this is how I came to accept Christ as my Saviour and start the journey that led me to where I am now. My mother believed in God. I think. She never talked about Him or not that I can recall but she sent my sister and I to Sunday school every Sunday when we were small. She used to dress us up and send us to wait on the side of the road where the Sunday…
From Law To Love
I went to church again last Sunday and the wheels fell off my little red wagon throwing me to the ground with a nasty thump! It forced me to have a chat with God again.
Make Me The Person You Created Me To Be
For 33 years I have asked God to make me into the person He created me to be. In that time He made me into a psychologist. Now I get the feeling He is about to move me to another level of His plan for my life.
The Potter and The Clay
They say God is the potter and we are the clay but life had taken this chunk of clay, steam-rolled over it until it was paper thin then spread it on the ground, covered it in dirt and stomped all over it until there was nothing workable left of me. God worked with me anyway and what a work He has done!
Hearing God’s Voice
I have been asked to give my thoughts about hearing God's voice. I am no expert on the subject but here is what I believe.
Saturday Fizzled
Sometimes I get so down on myself I lose sight of reality but God sometimes steps in to remind me of what is real which comforts me.
God’s Love
This morning I asked God if there was anything I could do for Him and He said he wants me to write a blog entry about His love.