Catch up posts covering a range of things.
Bearing Fruit
I wrote this entry while the site was down but I still think it is of value so I will post it now anyway. I am in so much pain from my osteoarthritis some Sundays that I don’t go to church. They post their services online so I will always watch at home so I watched the sermon and it was about the fruits of the Holy Spirit. You can watch it here if you wish. I felt like this message was meant for me. The pastor was saying it’s not about forcing yourself to display the fruits of the spirit – love, joy, etc. It’s about becoming the kind…
It's been almost two years since I updated. I'm still alive and still a Christian!
Work, Health, Home, etc.
Work, moving house, health, just a general catch up on what's been happening with me.
Update On My Work Life
I was made redundant a couple of years ago after 13 years. Finding a new job was not easy as this entry details.
I’ve Been Gone Too Long
For the last couple of years I have not been able to access this site to update it. Now access has been restored and I am ready to pick up where I left off.
Notice Of Disconnection
My site went down for a few years but it is up again now. This entry should be ignored - nothing to see here.
Rest In Peace Mum
My Mother died two days ago. I was with her when she went and I don't think I will ever forget that experience as long as I live.
Help For Abusers
I'm going to start posting the stuff I have been writing to try and help people who want to stop being abusive even though I would prefer to wait.
All Category Update October 09
I thought it was time to update this blog with the latest news for each of the various categories even if the news is that there isn't any news hehehe.
Guilt, Fear and Getting Old
I'll be 52 tomorrow and I just found out strange things happen when guilt and fear combine with aging.