From The Internet
Internet Inspired Entries
Friend Suggestions – A Scammers Best Friend
Friend suggestions are just one of the tools the scammers use to find, and hook, their victims!
19 Kids & Counting Scandal
The Duggar practise of putting children in charge of children is child abuse in my opinion and here is why I believe that.
People have been arguing about what to believe for centuries now but I think faith is more about why you believe than what you believe.
FBI Scam
According to an email I got today the FBI wants to help me claim eleven million dollars! Lucky me because all it will cost me is 110 dollars.
Be Afraid!
A little rant against the banks turned into something scarier than I bargained for when I did some looking around on the internet.
Old Or Accurate?
I thought old was an attitude, not an age, and I thought I would never have old attitudes but I have begun to feel old.
Online Games And ID Theft
I haven't been able to get into the latest online game I have been playing so I'm suffering computer game addiction withdrawal.
PayPal Phishing Scam
The scammers are after peoples PayPal accounts as well as their bank accounts from the looks of the phishing email I just got.
The English Language
I grieve the loss of standards in spelling and grammar these days but maybe it's just another step in the evolution of the English language.
Generation Gap
I've been watching a bit of telly lately and here are a few random thoughts concerning TV, advertising, reality shows, and the generation gap.