Articles I have written about various information points.
Relaxation Techniques
Five Techniques To Help You Relax There are a lot of relaxation techniques available to help people relax and a lot of variations even in the same technique. Most people want help to relax when they are having trouble getting to sleep so most relaxation techniques have sleep as their ultimate goal but some of these techniques can also be used to help people calm down when they are wound up. The first relaxation technique listed here, deep breathing, is often taught to people as part of an anger management training programme as it can be a useful tool to help people remain calm and in control of themselves when…
Why Do People Turn Into Abusers?
There are four basic reasons why people become abusers. They are born with a deficiency in their brain They do not get taught to value other people as much as they value themselves They copy the behaviour of an abusive parent or caregiver They decide it’s a dog-eat-dog world and they are sick of being eaten. Born abusers It is thought that some people are born with a deficiency in their brain. The deficiency makes it impossible for them to experience empathy. Empathy is the ability to imagine how someone else feels and it is empathy that causes us to try and avoid doing bad things to other people. People…
Abuse Questionnaire Final Page
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Scoring Page
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part Four
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part Three
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part Two
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
Abuse Questionnaire Part One
Do you think you are abusing someone? Is someone abusing you? Are you abusing each other? Take this abuse questionnaire and find out.
How I Came To Be Born Again
I have been asked to tell the story of my conversion to Christianity so here it is. Some of the details are a bit foggy because it all happened so long ago but this is how I came to accept Christ as my Saviour and start the journey that led me to where I am now. My mother believed in God. I think. She never talked about Him or not that I can recall but she sent my sister and I to Sunday school every Sunday when we were small. She used to dress us up and send us to wait on the side of the road where the Sunday…
How To Stop Being Abusive
A lot of people are coming to this site through search terms such as “how do I stop being an abuser” and “how to stop abusing others”. I have had letters from people asking me for help to stop their abusive behaviour. I have not been able to post those letters on the site as the letter writers did not give me permission to do so but it seems there are people who are seeking help to change their ways. My website designer encouraged me to write this article on how to stop abusive behaviour but it is not as easy as it may seem. Most abuse prevention tends to…