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All My Blog Entries.
Help For Abusers
I'm going to start posting the stuff I have been writing to try and help people who want to stop being abusive even though I would prefer to wait.
My Theory About Depression
I've had a theory about what causes depression for years now but it doesn't seem to be one that anyone else knows about so I thought I should share it.
There Is No I In Hell
This entry is a short story illustrating what I imagine judgement day and hell will be like for anyone who fails to accept the sacrifice of Christ.
Four Months Post Surgery
This entry covers the four months that have passed since I had surgery to remove my thyroid gland after being diagnosed with follicular cancer.
One Week Post Op Round Two
It is a week now since I had my second surgery which was a "completion thyroidectomy". They have now removed both sides of my thyroid gland.
From Chaos To Calm
I've never appreciated life but, after much soul searching, I have agreed to fight the cancer that is threatening to take it from me.
I Have Cancer
The test results on the lump in my right thyroid lobe have come back and I have follicular cancer of the thyroid gland.
One Week Post Operation
It has been a week since I had my hemi-thyroidectomy. Here is a day by day running commentary on my recovery.
People have been arguing about what to believe for centuries now but I think faith is more about why you believe than what you believe.
My Thyroid Operation
I have had half my thyroid gland removed. Now I have to wait for them to tell me if they will have to take the other half.