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All My Blog Entries.
Ti$ The $ea$on! I hate Chri$tma$ and all that it ha$ come to $tand for. This entry is my rant against a season that has become a time of bad manners.
eBay Seller’s Scam
The wiser we get as consumers the harder scammer's work to take us for a ride. This is the tale of an eBay seller who conned me.
My Gambling Addiction
I relaxed my guard against my gambling addiction by letting myself think I might be cured of it. That led to a couple of lapses and, suddenly, I was fighting to avoid a complete relapse.
Bindi And Terri Irwin
Bindi and Terri Irwin have been making the news a fair bit since Steve Irwin, the crocodile hunter, died a few months ago.
Credit And General Electric’s Shameful Behaviour.
Even when you cut your credit cards up the banks don't let you go as this entry shows. It also includes a rant about the behaviour that should be making GE hang its corporate head in shame!
Porn And Problem Solving
I hate porn so, when it appeared in my site statistics, it upset me so I used the life skill of problem-solving to end the crisis.
More Product Rants
They have taken my preferred frozen pizza off the shelves which makes me mad but I did find a toilet tissue that doesn't leave me with toilet paper dags.
How To Avoid Abusive People
This entry looks at three of the warning signs I look for to help me reduce my chances of getting involved with abusive people.
The Cost Of Jumping To Conclusions
Jumping to conclusions can cost people more than they will ever be aware of. This entry looks at an example of this.
Forgiveness And Love
An entry that looks at my theory about who God really is - he is existence itself - and how this belief allows me to forgive, and love, people such as my abusers.