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All My Blog Entries.
Fashion Prediction
I predict the future of fashion based on an interview I saw with an ex-editor of Vogue. The future does not look good.
Celebrating Fifty
To commemorate my fiftieth birthday I have compiled a list of fifty things I have learned, often the hard way, about life and living.
Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing
I had my second session with the psychologist yesterday. This time she performed EMDR on me and somethng major has changed in me.
The Reward For Being Nice
My reward for being nice to someone who was just a "nobody" was a whole new direction and a better life. She became my mentor.
Trying Again
I have had my second session with the gambling counsellor so I am on the wagon yet again and trying to quit gambling for the umpteenth time.
Was Angelina Jolie Molested?
Angelina Jolie's claims that she was "very sexual in kindergarten" made me do some research. What I found left me believing she was molested as a child.
MCI Technologies And Startrader
I got a brochure in the mail that was offering to help me become a millionaire so I did some research on the company. Here is what I found out.
Psychologist In Therapy
The psychologist is in. In therapy that is. I have started seeing a psychologist but it is not smooth sailing. I couldn't help testing her.
God Is Not A Man
How does a girl who hates men come to love and trust a male God? I could not change my fear of males so God changed His gender to help me.
Anti-Depressant Side-Effects And Gambling
The good news is I am less depressed. The bad news is I am still gambling and I am less anxious about it because I am feeling so much better.