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All My Blog Entries.
Taking Fantasy Too Far
The people playing in a world called Hollow were rude to my daughter and hurt her feelings so I don't play there any more.
Lapsed Again
Once again I fooled myself into believing I can control my gambling problem and once again I proved myself wrong.
More Bits And Pieces
Memories, gambling, role play games and blogging are the subjects of this entry. Just more bits and pieces from my life.
Memories Concluded
This is the fourth, and final, installment of my struggle to process the recovered memories of what happened to me when I was fifteen.
Memories Part Three
Memories of my time as a 15-year-old runaway continue to come back and I am having trouble coping with the distress each new memory brings.
Memories Part Two
Memories of my time as a fifteen year old runaway continue to return to me and a much different picture of the world is emerging for me from them.
Mistaken Memories
Memories can be repressed or altered but I never thought any of mine had been. This week I discovered I have repressed details and altered facts in my memories of at least one of my experiences as a youngster.
Teeth And Flouride
It is my belief that, without flouride, I would have nothing in my mouth now but dentures.
The Present In My Present
The here and now can often hold a small, insignificant, gift that can make me really happy if I let it.
The Psychology Of Big Brother
I have come to the conclusion that Australia's version of the reality show "Big Brother" is a modern equivalent of the old social psychology scenario created in the well known Stanford Prison Experiment.