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All My Blog Entries.
Picks Disease
My mother has Picks disease and I went to visit her last week. She had no idea how ironic her complaints about the other people in her group home were.
Fear And Prejudice
I discovered I have become extremely prejudiced against other races yesterday and I traced it to it's source.
A Helping Hand
I'm very good at helping other people when they are in need but I'm very bad at every other aspect of relating to other people socially and personally.
Just another day without him but, today, it hurt more than usual.
Compassion Fatigue
I have three weeks holidays coming up soon and it's just as well since I have a bad case of compassion fatigue lately.
He Has Gone Home
This entry is a "farewell until we meet again" to one of the many people I come across in my job as a counsellor who finds a place in my heart. He has gone home.
Syrnia Vs Runescape
Most of the new players who come into Syrnia, the online game I am playing, come from another game called Runescape. They come in all hyper and looking for trouble and wind up watching a timer count down and, maybe, doing a spot of homework while they wait.
The Scam Game
I gave an unused email address to a free online game site and now I am being flooded with a range of emails designed to scam me.
Spring In Winter
At fifty years old I am in what some would describe as the winter of my life. Today I got a glimpse of spring.
My Online Game Addiction
I'm spending a lot of time in an online game called Syrnia and I have to ask myself if that is another addiction I'm prone to.