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All My Blog Entries.
Feeling Empty
I'm feeling empty and discontent and it isn't just because I can't eat much. Eating does, however, seem to have been the antidote to these feelings until now.
Alive But Hungry
I'm still alive and I have cut back on the diet coke but my stomach doesn't seem to be able to recognise fruit and vegetables as real food so I'm almost always hungry or peckish.
Am I dying?
This has been a strange night and I wonder if I will be here to see the sun rise.
A Word From God
God spoke to me about my health. He wants me to cut back on the diet coke. This entry tells why.
My Diet
It is day one of my new diet and I'm already struggling with unfamiliar foods like bread with seeds in it and yoghurt.
Weighty Issues
This entry explains why I have joined a weight loss programme and also contains an update on how I am faring with my gambling addiction.
Latest Developments
This entry talks about the latest developments in my life with regard to my health, my gambling and my unrequited love.
Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
My doctor thinks I have COPD and she wants me to have an x-ray and tests to find out for sure. I think she is probably right but I also believe God recently healed at least some of the damage.
Meralgia Paresthetica
I have diagnosed myself as having Meralgia Paresthetica and my self prescribed cure is to lose weight. I just hope it will work.
Turning A Corner
I feel like I have turned a corner with my gambling problem. It's early days yet but I actually think I am no longer addicted.