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All My Blog Entries.
The English Language
I grieve the loss of standards in spelling and grammar these days but maybe it's just another step in the evolution of the English language.
My Depression Update
I have been on antidepressants for over a year now so I thought it was time to take a look at how my depression is going.
Wins And Losses
Life is a never ending stream of wins and losses. I'm winning and losing too but, these days, I try to focus more on the wins.
Generation Gap
I've been watching a bit of telly lately and here are a few random thoughts concerning TV, advertising, reality shows, and the generation gap.
Ozzy Ozbourne
I love Ozzy Ozbourne but only because he loves his wife.
More About Addictions
There have been a lot of articles lately about an increase in the number of people suffering from sex and pornography addictions.
Addictive Personality
In the dictionary, under the term "addictive personality", there really should be a photo of me!
Wedding Trip
I went interstate to attend my brothers wedding and it was a good experience but a thought provoking one in many ways.
Election 2007
Australia voted not all that long ago and the country changed political hands for the first time in 11 years.
Diet Update
I'm doing well on the diet but I face the biggest challenge yet as I am being parted from my diet company for a whole week soon.