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All My Blog Entries.
Burning Love
The bush fires in the Australian state of Victoria burnt so much more, in my opinion, than what has been reported in the media.
I've been struggling with the issue of burnout lately but I think I have found a way through it.
FBI Scam
According to an email I got today the FBI wants to help me claim eleven million dollars! Lucky me because all it will cost me is 110 dollars.
Season’s Greetings
I keep starting blog entries and deleting them but I really want to complete this one so I can wish my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I haven't written because I haven't had anything worthwhile to say and I still have nothing worthwhile to say but I figured I better update anyway.
Random Thoughts
Car repairs, Facebook and the way the wealthy manipulate the economy are on my mind at the moment.
Saturday Fizzled
Sometimes I get so down on myself I lose sight of reality but God sometimes steps in to remind me of what is real which comforts me.
Tally Ho
I got restless and bored and decided to go look for some fun that does not involve wasting money on the slot machines.
The Beat Goes On
Life is a dance. I just wish mine was not the Hokey Pokey!
Depression Strikes Again
Depression is a difficult thing to get rid of when you are prone to all varieties of it. Here is the tale of my latest run-in with the beast.