My battle with various addictions.
My Online Game Addiction
I'm spending a lot of time in an online game called Syrnia and I have to ask myself if that is another addiction I'm prone to.
Lapsed Again
Once again I fooled myself into believing I can control my gambling problem and once again I proved myself wrong.
More Bits And Pieces
Memories, gambling, role play games and blogging are the subjects of this entry. Just more bits and pieces from my life.
So Far So Good
It has now been 28 days since I last gambled and it is looking very good for me but my heart goes out to those whose gambling is a desperate attempt to survive from pay to pay. This entry exposes the truth about slot machines in pubs and clubs.
Name That Feeling
I had another uncomfortable night last night but I was not fighting the thoughts that usually result in me going gambling I was fighting the feelings.
Believe Your Bank Balance
I've been fighting the urge to gamble tonight and it has led to me coming up with a new slogan that I hope will help me beat my gambling addiction.
Marking Time
I'm feeling disconnected from God these days and I think it's because I'm not growing as a Christian any more.
One Last Bet
The sorry tale of my gambling addiction continues but I am placing what I hope will be my very last bet. If I do not win this bet it will cost me thousands of dollars!
Role Play Games
Ever since I became computer literate I have been prone to escaping real life by going online to play at being someone else.
Feeling The Pain
I have spent a lifetime dealing with the wounds left behind from being abused as a child. Now I am being asked to feel my pain not repress it.