My battle with various addictions.
QS – Days One And Two
I have finally decided to quit smoking after years of believing it wasn't possible. Here's how I'm doing so far but it's only been a couple of days.
It’s Time To Quit.
It's been a long road from starting to smoke at age 14 to, finally, setting a date to quit smoking. I am praying for help to do this.
Health And Weight Update
They are still checking me for cancer and so far so good but medical providers continue to behave like assholes. Meanwhile my latest diet is getting results.
I Went To Phuket
I took my first holiday in ages recently and it showed me how much human beings need to take regular breaks to do fun things.
It appears that government wants to make money from our addictions without having to pay too much for treating the consequences of them.
Feeling Overwhelmed
I am struggling to write resources for people seeking help to stop being abusive because there is so much to cover that I don't know where to start.
Almost Free
Anyone who has been following what happens with my gambling problem might be wondering how I'm doing so I've decided to write an update on the issue.
From Vegetarian To Vegan
It has now been about a month since I decided to become a vegetarian and I am not sure how I feel about the results but I went from vegetarian to vegan in just a week or two.
And So This Is Christmas
2009 will always be "The year I broke my ankle" but I am wondering if it will also become "The year I became a vegetarian".
Random Thoughts
Car repairs, Facebook and the way the wealthy manipulate the economy are on my mind at the moment.