My Online Game Addiction
My struggle with online game addictions.
Feeling Overwhelmed
I am struggling to write resources for people seeking help to stop being abusive because there is so much to cover that I don't know where to start.
Random Thoughts
Car repairs, Facebook and the way the wealthy manipulate the economy are on my mind at the moment.
Online Games And ID Theft
I haven't been able to get into the latest online game I have been playing so I'm suffering computer game addiction withdrawal.
More About Addictions
There have been a lot of articles lately about an increase in the number of people suffering from sex and pornography addictions.
Addictive Personality
In the dictionary, under the term "addictive personality", there really should be a photo of me!
Just For Fun
The gambling industry has a new advertising campaign using the slogan "Just for fun". I disagree!
Feeling Empty
I'm feeling empty and discontent and it isn't just because I can't eat much. Eating does, however, seem to have been the antidote to these feelings until now.
Just another day without him but, today, it hurt more than usual.
Syrnia Vs Runescape
Most of the new players who come into Syrnia, the online game I am playing, come from another game called Runescape. They come in all hyper and looking for trouble and wind up watching a timer count down and, maybe, doing a spot of homework while they wait.
Spring In Winter
At fifty years old I am in what some would describe as the winter of my life. Today I got a glimpse of spring.