Rejecting Negativity
A sermon triggered tears and I wasn't sure why so I turned to God to discuss what was going on and what He wanted me to do about it.
From Law To Love
I went to church again last Sunday and the wheels fell off my little red wagon throwing me to the ground with a nasty thump! It forced me to have a chat with God again.
Make Me The Person You Created Me To Be
For 33 years I have asked God to make me into the person He created me to be. In that time He made me into a psychologist. Now I get the feeling He is about to move me to another level of His plan for my life.
Back To Church
I’ve been going to church every Sunday for the past six weeks. I went to church now and then back when I first became a Christian but I was never comfortable no matter what church I went to. I felt both superior and inferior whenever I attended a church and the discomfort always caused me to stop going in the end. I used to walk away saying church had nothing to offer me and was more of a threat to my salvation than a help to my Christian walk. I felt superior because the people I met in church seemed shallow and insubstantial to me. None of them had gone…
The Potter and The Clay
They say God is the potter and we are the clay but life had taken this chunk of clay, steam-rolled over it until it was paper thin then spread it on the ground, covered it in dirt and stomped all over it until there was nothing workable left of me. God worked with me anyway and what a work He has done!
The Joy Of The Lord
I have been a born again Christian for around 33 years now and the issue of "the joy of the Lord" has troubled me for all of that time.
From Vegetarian To Vegan
It has now been about a month since I decided to become a vegetarian and I am not sure how I feel about the results but I went from vegetarian to vegan in just a week or two.
And So This Is Christmas
2009 will always be "The year I broke my ankle" but I am wondering if it will also become "The year I became a vegetarian".
Flash Forward Could Prove Fatal
The suicide, and subsequent adulation, of a main character in a new TV series called "Flash Forward" has me worried for the safety of vulnerable viewers.
Black Face Leads To Red Faces
A group painted their faces black to impersonate the Jackson Five on an Australian TV show called "Hey Hey It's Saturday" recently. The comedy segment they performed in is known as the "Red Faces" section of the show and it has resulted in red faces all around but not all because of embarrassment.