Goodbye Microsoft
I don't like all the things running in the background so I am ready to abandon Microsoft once and for all but I need some answers first.
The Doctor Is A Cat
A search for amusing websites turned up a cat with a doctorate in hypnotism and a crime wave in fake degrees that nobody is talking about.
Global Warming
I suspect there might be more than one "Inconvenient Truth" when it comes to Al Gore and his global warming based politics.
Another Gambling Relapse
I had another relapse and spent the past three days gambling. Sigh.
I’m Still Standing
How it feels to be suffering anxiety, depression, paranoia, post traumatic stress disorder and being unable to trust.
Authority And Credibility
In a web world filled with scam artists, con merchants, rip off rogues and worse how can you tell who to trust? Me? Maybe not.
Through Objective Eyes
Once again I try to look at myself and my site through objective eyes. One sentence on another site has prompted this additional self examination.
Pedestrian Rage
Oops. Lost my temper and got into and argument about sidewalk rights. Where were my anger management skills when I needed them?
Children And Sex
Freud claimed children want to have sex with their parents. He based that theory on the fact children told him their parents were having sex with them!
Some of the things I discovered, over the years, about what makes people respect others. I'm aware some of my beliefs could cost me respect if work found out.