Season’s Greetings
I keep starting blog entries and deleting them but I really want to complete this one so I can wish my readers a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
I haven't written because I haven't had anything worthwhile to say and I still have nothing worthwhile to say but I figured I better update anyway.
Random Thoughts
Car repairs, Facebook and the way the wealthy manipulate the economy are on my mind at the moment.
Saturday Fizzled
Sometimes I get so down on myself I lose sight of reality but God sometimes steps in to remind me of what is real which comforts me.
Tally Ho
I got restless and bored and decided to go look for some fun that does not involve wasting money on the slot machines.
The Beat Goes On
Life is a dance. I just wish mine was not the Hokey Pokey!
Depression Strikes Again
Depression is a difficult thing to get rid of when you are prone to all varieties of it. Here is the tale of my latest run-in with the beast.
Breaking The Habit
I can't believe how much of a struggle I am having adjusting to not smoking indoors.
Ghost Whisperer
I watched Ghost Whisperer last night and woke up this morning with the feeling God wants me to write a warning about it so here it is.
Be Afraid!
A little rant against the banks turned into something scarier than I bargained for when I did some looking around on the internet.