Envy, Jealousy And Self-Esteem.
This entry looks at envy and jealousy and explores the idea that the cure is good self-esteem. It contains some tips on how to get good self-esteem.
Aura’s And Chakra’s And Other Tests.
The results of some fun tests I took to find out what colour aura I have, what chakra I operate from, and other things.
Forgiveness And Revenge
What God taught me about the nature, and definition, of forgiveness. The story of my journey from wanting revenge on my abusers to being able to forgive them.
A Difference Between Men And Women.
A look at one of the crucial differences between the sexes that could save your relationship or help you understand why it really is over.
Dads And Daughters
Appropriate love is the greatest gift a man can give his children. My thoughts about the role fathers play in their daughters sexual development.
Abuse, Self-Harm And An Umbrella.
In this entry I explore my theory that abuse is like rain. It falls on everyone. Life skills such as knowledge, assertiveness, and help-seeking create an umbrella to help protect us from it.
Love And The Stages Of Change
This entry looks at the "stages of change" and how I am using them to try and get over my obsession with a man I haven't seen for six years. A man who doesn't want me and never did.
Love And Sex
This entry explains why I believe the more sex men and women have the harder it is for them to genuinely love each other.
Cars And Girls
A light hearted look at my experiences with cars. I was the wife of a mechanic who had a car fetish so I should know a thing or two about cars but, well, see for yourself.
From Sex To Celibacy.
As far as I know my sex life started when I was around four years old. If it began earlier than that I don’t remember it. The issue of whether to write details of what happened to me back then is a sore point. Those who do such things to children like to read about such things being done to children as well. I am not keen on the idea of being used as porn so I think I will keep the details to myself. I am expecting to have to write about this subject more than once as there are many things to say about it. My resolve to…