Just another day without him but, today, it hurt more than usual.
Compassion Fatigue
I have three weeks holidays coming up soon and it's just as well since I have a bad case of compassion fatigue lately.
He Has Gone Home
This entry is a "farewell until we meet again" to one of the many people I come across in my job as a counsellor who finds a place in my heart. He has gone home.
Syrnia Vs Runescape
Most of the new players who come into Syrnia, the online game I am playing, come from another game called Runescape. They come in all hyper and looking for trouble and wind up watching a timer count down and, maybe, doing a spot of homework while they wait.
The Scam Game
I gave an unused email address to a free online game site and now I am being flooded with a range of emails designed to scam me.
Spring In Winter
At fifty years old I am in what some would describe as the winter of my life. Today I got a glimpse of spring.
My Online Game Addiction
I'm spending a lot of time in an online game called Syrnia and I have to ask myself if that is another addiction I'm prone to.
Taking Fantasy Too Far
The people playing in a world called Hollow were rude to my daughter and hurt her feelings so I don't play there any more.
Lapsed Again
Once again I fooled myself into believing I can control my gambling problem and once again I proved myself wrong.
More Bits And Pieces
Memories, gambling, role play games and blogging are the subjects of this entry. Just more bits and pieces from my life.