Advice By Kim


Kim Answers Questions About Life, Love, People and Problems.

Kim is a qualified, registered, practising psychologist who gives people answers to questions about their problems free of charge on Words By Kim.

Below are requests for help Kim has received from, and the answers she has given to, people who agreed to have their requests published on this site. Kim has had many other requests for help from people who did not want their issues to be made public and Kim has honoured those wishes.

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Corey Corey wrote on May 9, 2009 at 1:59 pm
I am an abusive person I would like your help to try and change that.
Admin Reply by: Kim
Hi Corey, You haven't given me much information to work with but I am glad you decided to reach out for help as that is the first step towards reaching your goal of changing.

You have already taken some of the hardest steps. Admitting you are an abusive person and deciding to change is not easy. It must have been even harder for you to ask for help if you are not used to turning to other people for advice so well done.

The problem is, I can't be sure if you are serious or if you are just messing with me as your email address "suk_my_jiggles" is the kind of offensive address used by people who are not serious about seeking help.

It is also hard to know what kind of help you need when you have given so little information about yourself. I don't know if you are verbally abusive, physically abusive, emotionally abusive or all three.

Another possibility is you are not abusive at all but are lacking in the type of social skills that would prevent you from seeming abusive to other people.

If you really are serious about changing the best thing you can do is seek help closer to hand such as a face to face counsellor or a telephone counselling service where you won't have to write down all the information about yourself that would be needed to work out what could help you.

If your main concern is your relationship, and you don't want to try asking anyone else for advice, try asking your partner what you are doing that is harming your relationship and start by working on changing those behaviours.

I do hope you decide to follow through on this and get the help you need to make any necessary changes and I wish you all the best.
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