A Reason To Live Wall
The aim of this wall is to give those who do have a reason to go on living a chance to share their reason with those who have none of their own. With your help we might be able to give suicidal people something to help them carry on. Maybe they can take your reason for living and use it as a reason to keep going themselves.
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Every day there are thousands of people all over the world who can’t think of a single good reason to go on living. Each human being is unique, one of a kind, totally irreplaceable and suicide is a dreadful waste of human potential. Help is available. The suicidal person just needs to live long enough to find it but that can be hard to do when you feel nobody cares and there is no hope.
If you are suicidal, read the wall, know it was created to give you encouragement, a bit of hope or the incentive you need to keep trying. Know that every person who added their own reason to live here was thinking of you and added it in the hope it would help you go on in the face of your despair and exhaustion.
Know that people DO care, you DO matter, you CAN be helped and call your doctor, a counsellor or your local suicide help line.
Reach out and touch someone today.
My father, Michael Troy Wade. RIP. Without me to share his stories of his life, he truly would be dead. But he is alive and well in the hearts of many now, and I won't stop until he's immortal.
Danniel Bales, my best friend, and brother. He passed away unexpectedly 2 weeks after my father died. At that point I'd have gladly left the earth to go with him. But I made him a promise when we were both healthy and happy. I promised him I'd die of old age. And that gives me reason to live. I also will make him immortal before my time is through.
My fiance. Even if she left me tomorrow, for her I'll live on. Because I promised her that I would never stop fighting for the things I believe in so long as the world still needs a change.
My grandparents. Because they lost a son already, they shouldn't have to bear the pain of loosing me as well.
Computers. I love these things. Everything about them, the good and the bad, even when they don't work right. I love them most when I can put new parts in. lol.
The random strangers who come by just in the nick of time and help me out. Like in the restaurant the other day when my gift card failed and they paid for my meal. Goodness in others is a rare find, but seeing it makes me realize there is hope left.
My jeep. Because without me, someone else would have tossed it into a junk yard somewhere and gave up on it. I'm the idiot who keeps trying to make it right.
Cigarettes, the menthol kind. Pepsi. Incense.
My best friend Joel Dixon, and his fiance and his roommate. Because without me they wouldn't have any true friends.
For anyone who reads this and is in need of a reason to live on. I'll live on for you as well. I know we likely never met, I know we likely never will. But I care. I don't care what you've done or where you're from. What I care about, is that you are. I care, because your life is precious, and we all have a part to play, grand or small. Find your part. Will you please?