A Reason To Live Wall
The aim of this wall is to give those who do have a reason to go on living a chance to share their reason with those who have none of their own. With your help we might be able to give suicidal people something to help them carry on. Maybe they can take your reason for living and use it as a reason to keep going themselves.
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Every day there are thousands of people all over the world who can’t think of a single good reason to go on living. Each human being is unique, one of a kind, totally irreplaceable and suicide is a dreadful waste of human potential. Help is available. The suicidal person just needs to live long enough to find it but that can be hard to do when you feel nobody cares and there is no hope.
If you are suicidal, read the wall, know it was created to give you encouragement, a bit of hope or the incentive you need to keep trying. Know that every person who added their own reason to live here was thinking of you and added it in the hope it would help you go on in the face of your despair and exhaustion.
Know that people DO care, you DO matter, you CAN be helped and call your doctor, a counsellor or your local suicide help line.
Reach out and touch someone today.
Reasons to live
- men like me because I`m cute and funny
- my life doesn`t belong to me alone, I need to take care of my parents when they will get old + my dad will die if I die
- I have a beautiful smile and I make people smile
- I`m smart and maybe in the future I`ll become rich.. so I`m curious
- Curiosity : to see what happens next
Reasons to die
- I`m tired
- I overwork myself to have a career but I`m low payed and explotated and the worst of it is that I know this and yet I don`t resign
- My boss temper kills me slowly but sure
- My parents pretend that they don`t notice
- My boyfriend who doesn`t care about my problems, but searches conforting in my arms for his problems
- The problem-free aura I carry around
What stops me to die:
- the thought that maybe what awaits death is just nothingless
- lack of courage to die
- the fear that I might become invalid the fear of pain
- the fear that people might say that the devil brainwashed me and not that this is something I`m planning for a long time