Reason to Live Wall

A Reason To Live Wall

The aim of this wall is to give those who do have a reason to go on living a chance to share their reason with those who have none of their own. With your help we might be able to give suicidal people something to help them carry on. Maybe they can take your reason for living and use it as a reason to keep going themselves.

You do not need to be logged in to add a comment to this wall but, to prevent abuse and spam, your comment will not appear until it has been approved. This wall is for people who may be in a fragile state of mind so comments will be “cleaned up” if they contain language that may be offensive or links to questionable sites

Every day there are thousands of people all over the world who can’t think of a single good reason to go on living. Each human being is unique, one of a kind, totally irreplaceable and suicide is a dreadful waste of human potential. Help is available. The suicidal person just needs to live long enough to find it but that can be hard to do when you feel nobody cares and there is no hope.

If you are suicidal, read the wall, know it was created to give you encouragement, a bit of hope or the incentive you need to keep trying. Know that every person who added their own reason to live here was thinking of you and added it in the hope it would help you go on in the face of your despair and exhaustion.

Know that people DO care, you DO matter, you CAN be helped and call your doctor, a counsellor or your local suicide help line.

Reach out and touch someone today.

Write your Thoughts Below

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104 entries.
Emma South East London UK Emma South East London UK wrote on October 14, 2022 at 5:34 am
Things can go wrong during suicide attempts. I've heard things can happen with people ending up paralyzed or with a lot of brain damage. There is a risk of unexpectedly surviving only to end up living a worse quality of life than before.
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Daisy Daisy wrote on September 7, 2020 at 10:03 pm
You'll never know what would've happened. Help and joy might have been 5 minutes away, but it'll be too late. You'll have made a rash decision and given up just before your happiness. There is no appropriate time to kill yourself because there is no way of telling when and what your happiness and saving will be. Ending to "The Mist" kind of thing. Think about the people you would have met later in life. You're completely dismantling the timelines of people and places that you don't even know yet. Everything is wired together. Life is already short. You have plenty of time to be dead. You have forever to be gone. Why not live and feel and absorb every bit of emotion, people, joy, sadness, and the world around you while you can? The whole world of everything is right in front of you. Even sadness is an experience that you'll get only for the short time that humans live, come to understand it, to bask in all emotion. Life can get better. You have a bright little window for life. Death is not a break. Death is not a release. Death is DEATH. And death is PERMANENT.
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Alla Alla wrote on January 6, 2020 at 11:14 am
I've seen the grief of a parent who has lost their child and I would never put my mom through that pain. When she passes, I plan to go to.
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Deb Deb wrote on September 28, 2013 at 1:39 pm
My #1 reason to live is what if I am wrong. When I've gotten severely depressed, the reason I wanted to die was so that the pain would stop. I have both, emotional as well as physical pain and the physical is most likely for the rest of my life. But, what if I kill myself and find that it does not end my suffering at all. What if I kill myself and now, worse, I am a spirit, stuck here, and now I have no way of getting help. Think about it, if you believe in spirits and such, whenever you see an episode with paranormal investigators doing and evp session, you never hear the ghost say that they are happy that they killed their self, the spirit is always saying "help me". Just a thought. I mine as well stick around and get some help for both the emotional as well as the physical pain that I am in and it's nice to be able to make an appointment.
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Tammy Ricks Tammy Ricks wrote on August 14, 2013 at 1:30 pm
what if I'm wrong. What if what I was born for is right there, that's why all hell has come against me. I have been giving excuses for all of my life why not to kill myself, and my last reason has vanished..... God has been telling me all of my life that there is a reason for my being....He has made promises and given me a lot of gifts and talents... I have been holding on so long and told the same thing so much-- I don't even want to hear the words, "Your day is coming, I'll keep you in my prayers."
But what if I'm wrong, what if it is like that mouse story where the two fell in a bucket of milk and they swam and swam and swam and the one just couldn't go on any longer and gave up and drowned --- but just then a blob of butter--from their kicking the milk-- came floating to the top and the other got out. What if I'm wrong what if something worth living for is just right around the corner--if I just keep going. It would really suck if my dream was really coming next week and I gave up tonight. What if I'm wrong.
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RW RW wrote on August 7, 2013 at 4:41 pm
GOD has work for me to do every moment of every day,
even if I am dying, until He calls me. 
As Paul said, in Philippians 3...
"Brethren, I count not myself
to have apprehended:
(finished His work in my life)
but this one thing I do,

forgetting those things

which are behind

and reaching forth unto

those things which are before,

I press (on!) toward the mark for

the prize of the high calling

of God in Christ Jesus."
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Kirsten Kirsten wrote on April 8, 2013 at 4:40 pm
There is a world of injustice to fight, so many who need our help, and millions of captives to free. And once we win, there will be sunsets to enjoy. And drinks with little umbrellas in them.
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Cat Cat wrote on April 5, 2013 at 4:39 pm
Spite. I'm not going to let them (= the people who think the world would be easier/better without me in it) win.
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Kaisha Kaisha wrote on March 29, 2013 at 4:39 pm
At 49, I will search for one more year thinking that ever increasing pain and anguish simply cannot be all that life holds for me.
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Hamilton Hamilton wrote on February 21, 2013 at 4:38 pm
Life is tough, but there has to be reason for living. I was keep thinking about the fact that life is useless. There are no points of reason to live. When you acheive something you would die eventually. However, there are some reasons why I'm living in struggling with my life. Music is one of them. Another is that when there is worst thing happens in your life there must be good things coming back. When you reach a bottom, there are no place to go but go up. You will feel better at some point. The reason for live is to find the reason to live. Make something to be occupied. You will eventually die someday no matter whether you like it or not! I was feeling depressed and knowing wonder of life as usual when I get depressed. Thank you for helping me out and made me think that life can be worthliving. I sill don't know why I'm living wih but for some reason something makes me to thrive life with one of my quote I think "Suck it up someday there would be good things happening." Thank you again for making this web-site. This helped me a lot, I hope that this web-site would be exist further no matter what happens for other people, peace 🙂 Thanks a lot. by Hamilton who always wonder about life with philosophy. 
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Dl Dl wrote on February 6, 2013 at 4:36 pm
My reasons to keep on living (even though I so long to die):
- I think my life goal is to help animals, I'm here leave the world a little bit of a better place for nature. I feel like I'm supposed to do that and also use my talents etc to add something to the world.
- I cannot hurt my family in that way. I just can't.
- I feel like suicide won't solve my problems, I think they'll just start over. I have to deal with this life and live it to the end. Even though if eel unbearable.
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Jayenne Jayenne wrote on November 6, 2012 at 4:35 pm
@ john doe
"The problem with this wall is there isn't a single reason on there for a atheist with no family"

I KNOW! Same boat. It's lonely being atheist with no family. (I imagine most people who find themselves with no family end up questioning the existence of any kind of god). Imagine being Black and atheist! Unheard of. Anyway

ONE reason is enough. Just find ONE reason. How about this one: "I am curious about what will happen in the future". My mum never got to see Clinton become President. Never got to experience the Internet (she would have loved it).

No matter how crap the day-to-day stuff is, I'd still hate to miss out on the big news just because I gave up on the daily drudge. And what about all the people who will never get to experience You? You are obviously an intelligent person. Why deny the world your unique point of view?
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workingforward workingforward wrote on October 8, 2012 at 4:34 pm
Lately it's been hard to find a reason to live. I have a sore place inside of me from remembrance of childhood drama and sometimes I find myself in a dark frame of mind because of it. I know there are people who care; my mom, my girlfriend, my brother all care about me and my happiness. But my reason to live is not for them. It is for me; it is my future. I keep going because I have so much left to do and to see. I need to get my words out there for everyone in a book or a song or a campaign. I'm afraid that to end everything now will be a waste because I know there's more I want to say and more I have to say.
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Mika Mika wrote on August 18, 2012 at 4:33 pm
I would like to live to watch my friends become amazing people, maybe even famous people 🙂 I want to stay with them, support them.
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Julie Julie wrote on August 12, 2012 at 4:31 pm
My son.
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Michelle Michelle wrote on July 28, 2012 at 4:27 pm
Love and Live - Sometimes life - though our own dumb choices and fate is just shite.....why leave early I guess?? I'd let down all that came before me through hardship. disease and flush it all down the toilet....thanks all whom pin their heart here...I love you for it...XXXX
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Molly Molly wrote on July 12, 2012 at 4:24 pm
All the reasons that everybody has posted all have truth and benefit in them. I am only young but the main reason for me to continue living is so i can one day have children of my own. To me that is one fantastic reason to stay here. If you don't stay here and try living you won't know where you were supposed to turn out. 🙂 May you always have the strength to live another day x
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Unknown Unknown wrote on June 14, 2012 at 4:22 pm
Thank you for this site. My reason to live is my best friend. She told me that she feels loved by me and that i make her feel better. is there any better reason to stay?
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john doe john doe wrote on May 27, 2012 at 4:15 pm
The problem with this wall is there isn't a single reason on there for a atheist with no family
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melany melany wrote on May 22, 2012 at 4:23 pm
My reason to live is my mother and two sisters. I love them so very much but I'm way too screwed up to go on.
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Mal Mal wrote on May 6, 2012 at 4:21 pm
I cant stand the thought of my son crying and stigma of being the son of a guy that killed himself.
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noah noah wrote on April 11, 2012 at 4:13 pm
Living on earth is a test. Why test, because we fail at some point of our life and we pass at some point of our life.
Reason to live varies from time to time in my life. Live to eat or eat to live. Live to overcome problem faced. Live to do what we want. Live because my parents bought me here, if given a choice, would I like to live and do I live it all out and for what?
My reasons determine by my input. And it shape my thought and action.

Live your life according to the purposes you were being created.
Live according to how you were being created and its purpose, make sense isn't?

Let me live again and I will do it better. I'll leave behind what is in the past and look forward the future.
From now onwards, I'll live my according to how my creator created me because he knows what is best for me.

Stay calm and allow him to direct me. Relax and rest assured in his plan for me.
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Derek Derek wrote on April 8, 2012 at 3:13 pm
I may have been abandoned by my parents at birth and raised by an adoptive woman, but I am unique like no one else. I have value. I must in order to exist in this enormous UNIVERSE, otherwise why else am I here? Maybe I don't see my "purpose of being" at the moment, but what if I find that RIGHT person in the near future? To leave this miserable relationship, move to a new city, and actually take the time to SEE a new world with new opportunities! The so-called friends and family around me who belittle me and don't support me emotionally-- I have to forgive them, and myself -- and I have to become WHOLE again by being true to ME. Now. For the future. I'm only 42, but that doesn't mean life has to come to an end, now. WHAT IF I met a woman (me being a man) who actually understood me, wanted to listen to me, who didn't make me feel emasculated, and who would not only be a friend, but a companion into the future? Maybe the pain I'm feeling and the low self-esteem would disappear once I leave my marriage and "reboot" my life, elsewhere. To see life IS worth living. To know there is LIFE outside of the "prison" I have been in all these years. To be able to stand tall, as a real human being with self-worth and self-respect, and to look forward to EACH day knowing that some days won't be as good as others, but at least I will have the OPPORTUNITY to TRY and make a positive difference in MY life. The life this amazing universe has given me for a brief moment in time! I cannot squander it-- I MUST live today, and tomorrow. I MUST pursue my passions, my dreams, goals, and embrace this life!

I haven't been feeling well for several months, not caring if I live or die and being accepting of any diagnosis that a doctor may give me. Being miserable and depressed has sucked the life out of me. Not caring for myself. Letting myself gain unneeded weight. Trying to mask the pains in my body with pain medication and topical ointments. Without a reason to live, I didn't care about going to a doctor-- perhaps a terminal illness would bring this all to a tidy end. But then I think about this universe being what it is, and the fact I EXIST in it for some reason beyond my limited comprehension. I MUST be here for a reason, so I should make an appointment to see my doctor for a routine annual checkup to investigate the aches and pains. To treat a disease early enough so I CAN go on living MY life as I said in the earlier paragraph. And, if the pain is not treatable, then to look at each sunrise and sunset with awe; to LOOK at the world around me and appreciate whatever time I may have left on this Earth, and not be sad because it can end but to know I had a chance to experience it firsthand. But! If the doctor gives a clean bill of health, and suggests I exercise (yoga, stretching, running, swimming, whatever) and make a healthy diet choices, then I should take a relaxing breath, smile, and be thankful for the second chance of experiencing life as I NEED to. I will look back at the first paragraph and see what changes I need to make, and make them! I will look at life with new eyes and take back control of my life! It is MY life! I need to take life one day at a time and enjoy whatever time I have on this planet... And, it's a pretty AMAZING planet to be on! Go out and experience this Earth, and enjoy your life! Don't let nobody tell you that you can't do something-- you want something, then GO GET IT! Period. (from Chris Gardner, "The Pursuit of Happyness" movie).

Now-- Carpe Diem! SEIZE THE DAY!
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Justine Justine wrote on March 13, 2012 at 3:12 pm
I am not depressed, but I see no reason to live. Not in a bad way. Just in a "my life is routine, every day only getting older" kind of way. My reason for not dying is I would never want to hurt my parents or siblings by dying before them. I may not understand life, why I'm here, but I do know that I care enough about the people I see every day that I wouldn't want to cause them that much pain or grief. I just wish I had a better reason to live...

My life feelings like this: wake up, eat, watch tv, eat, consider going for a walk, eat, shower, work, (waitress at a bar), eat, sleep, repeat. There has to be more to life than this...

On January 31st 2012, shahriyar wrote on this wall, "to smile without any hidden agenda"... Yes. That is my reason today. Smiling just feels so darn good. And I love when someone can't help but smile when he/she sees someone smiling. Thank you Shahriyar.
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Bobby Bobby wrote on March 9, 2012 at 3:11 pm
If you are suicidal, then it's worth staying alive today.  A happier tomorrow will exist when you change your life around, remove all the negative influences, and let the happy positive influences breeze into your life like wind on a sunny day!  🙂
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nihilisthedonist nihilisthedonist wrote on March 4, 2012 at 3:10 pm
With the end of pain will also come the end of pleasure.
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jojjj jojjj wrote on February 14, 2012 at 3:10 pm
because we all die eventually.
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ive4others ive4others wrote on February 13, 2012 at 2:50 pm
Back in Oct. this website convinced me to live (after 2 attempts in July) and put my life in God's hands. He will take me when he decides.

Not matter your situation, just think, somewhere, someone has it much worse than you and yet they're holding onto life by whatever means necessary.

Don't waste your life when you can be helping them!
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knowing what it means knowing what it means wrote on January 31, 2012 at 2:48 pm
to APPRECIATE something or someplace or someone or some people
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living a life living a life wrote on January 31, 2012 at 2:48 pm
where i know how it feels to be financially abundance, and self-sufficent.
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! ! wrote on January 31, 2012 at 2:08 pm
Because I want to find somethign positive to DO with my time! not just sit in a classroom and hear someone lecture about something i feel no personal connection to. I want to be mature, respectful, strong, and that sort of compassionate person people like being around, but i also want to have my boundaries, privacy, and respect in return, which is what I need to do to get it in return.
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getting over getting over wrote on January 31, 2012 at 1:52 pm
feeling the impulse that i need to say "thank you" "IM SORRY" OR "you're welcome" for nonsensical things
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1 1 wrote on January 31, 2012 at 1:51 pm
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shahriyar shahriyar wrote on January 31, 2012 at 1:50 pm
to smile without any hidden agenda, to be in a state that i wouldn't need to hide anything from anybody.
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Neal Visher Neal Visher wrote on January 17, 2012 at 1:49 pm
A Reason To Live: To find a glimpse of hapiness once more... it's gotta be here somewhere
 == a poem I wrote years ago ==
maybe I haven't found the right words to say
cuz my suicide note woulda been signed today
- Neal Visher
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Jenny Pocock Jenny Pocock wrote on January 17, 2012 at 1:48 pm
To hug my 2 year old grandson.
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MISS B MISS B wrote on January 13, 2012 at 1:47 pm
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Thanx Thanx wrote on January 7, 2012 at 1:46 pm
Thank you for this site. My reasons to live are: I  know my suicidality and dissatisfaction are the result of my own laziness. I want true love, the appreciation of others, success in my chosen career, a home of my own. What do I do to get these things? Honestly, I sit at home all day journaling about how much I hate everybody around me, just because someone I loved hurt me, and the people I liked joined in. Things happen in life. The pain, if I let it, will make me stronger and more mature. I will learn how to forgive and how to remain focused, because I now have the opportunity to practice. Thank you for this site. The owner of the site and the posters here, have given me a place to offer some of myself and feel loved again.
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Why Why wrote on December 29, 2011 at 1:32 pm
I came to this website to seek advice on why not to kill myself, as did everyone else. This alone must mean I don't want to die. I want to find a reason to live, and some day I hope I will find it.
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starr starr wrote on December 28, 2011 at 1:31 pm
Reasons to live...
Because I'm afraid of what would happen if I was successful killing myself.
Because I'm afraid of what would happen if I was unsuccessful.
Because my parents marriage would fall apart if they lost another child.
Because my family would blame themselves.
Because I want to see what the future holds.
Because if I'm dead I would have solved nothing.
Because you only get one chance at life.
Because if I kill myself evil has won.
Because I want to see what I can accomplish.
Because my dogs wouldn't understand and may feel abandoned.
Because I don't want my spirit to be trapped in a state of unrest.
Because I don't want my family to find me dead.
Because I don't want my family to have to pay for a funeral.
Because I want to feel the summer sun again.
Because I want to take my puppies camping and to the farmers market.
Because I want to travel around the world.
Because I want to just once finish a writing a book.
Because I want to learn to surf, snowboard, go deep sea diving, jump out of an airplane.
Because I would be setting a horrible example for my God children.
Because the kingdom of God is within me and i don't want to desecrate this temple.
Because I want to be a mom one day.
Because I love my family.
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Silvia Silvia wrote on December 12, 2011 at 1:30 pm
I want to see the sunrise tomorrow
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shanabelle shanabelle wrote on December 8, 2011 at 1:30 pm
Every time I think about hurting myself, I tell Myself that i am irreplaceable, and that it would hurt my family too much. I also tell myself that if i did do it then It there is no second chance, there's no taking it back, so when I think about hurting myself, that thought scares me, makes me second guess myself. writing this is so hard for me because I have these thoughts all the time. And it's hard for me to look to the brighter side, because when you are in high school everything feels like a big deal, but for me i used to feel carefree but know I feel scared and alone. But I tell myself that High school isn't forever and that it will be over soon. also my family and the few friends that I have help me along, and this is what keeps me going and helps me to see the good in life, even though right know I don't see it. I hope this message helps someone, even though its kind of depressing.
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ac ac wrote on December 4, 2011 at 1:29 pm
Because Jesus loves me and so do others whether I feel or choose to see it in that moment or not.
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oisfjdsklfj oisfjdsklfj wrote on December 1, 2011 at 1:29 pm
If I die now then I will have lost against the world because I will die with this pain inside as my last feelings and never have let myself get the chance to be happy again. Even if there was no hell, i still would never get to feel peace when i die because that would mean as a dead empty body I am no longer there and the last thing i felt was pain.
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Di Di wrote on November 29, 2011 at 1:28 pm
To be a living memory of those you have lost. To work hard and make them so proud of you. Even if you think you are not worth it, they think you are.
They look down on you and are wishing you to get up and be the best you can be.
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Christofer Wade Christofer Wade wrote on October 18, 2011 at 1:27 pm
Sunsets, and sunrises. No matter how sad, depressed, or angry I get, they are always just as beautiful as when I'm happy.

My father, Michael Troy Wade. RIP. Without me to share his stories of his life, he truly would be dead. But he is alive and well in the hearts of many now, and I won't stop until he's immortal.

Danniel Bales, my best friend, and brother. He passed away unexpectedly 2 weeks after my father died. At that point I'd have gladly left the earth to go with him. But I made him a promise when we were both healthy and happy. I promised him I'd die of old age. And that gives me reason to live. I also will make him immortal before my time is through.

My fiance. Even if she left me tomorrow, for her I'll live on. Because I promised her that I would never stop fighting for the things I believe in so long as the world still needs a change.

My grandparents. Because they lost a son already, they shouldn't have to bear the pain of loosing me as well.

Computers. I love these things. Everything about them, the good and the bad, even when they don't work right. I love them most when I can put new parts in. lol.

The random strangers who come by just in the nick of time and help me out. Like in the restaurant the other day when my gift card failed and they paid for my meal. Goodness in others is a rare find, but seeing it makes me realize there is hope left.

My jeep. Because without me, someone else would have tossed it into a junk yard somewhere and gave up on it. I'm the idiot who keeps trying to make it right.

Cigarettes, the menthol kind. Pepsi. Incense.

My best friend Joel Dixon, and his fiance and his roommate. Because without me they wouldn't have any true friends.

For anyone who reads this and is in need of a reason to live on. I'll live on for you as well. I know we likely never met, I know we likely never will. But I care. I don't care what you've done or where you're from. What I care about, is that you are. I care, because your life is precious, and we all have a part to play, grand or small. Find your part. Will you please?
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SuicideIsNotTheSolution SuicideIsNotTheSolution wrote on September 7, 2011 at 8:15 pm
Happy times I dream about the future. Sad times suicide was on my mind. The next minute suicide was off my list. And then suicide was back on my mind again. It's like we have an on and off relationship.

But then it all began with...
One early morning,
my sister decides to leave me and my family regardless of my pleading and begging for her to stay 
she LEFT! I did not know why she left?! I cried so much. I was scared to the point of losing her.
She did not leave any contacts.
I tried to look for her everywhere but could not find her.
Besides our little sister fights every now and then i still love her alot.
I miss her so so much. I panicked and cried so hard at the thought of not seeing her again. 
I wonder.. Where is she now? What is she doing?
I wish to see her even just for one time!
I cried and cried then suddenly I woke up!
Tears continue running down my cheeks.
I was still crying until a short moment later I realized it was all just a Dream...
It felt so real.
I pinched myself and yes it hurts a little.
I thanked God it was only a dream.
Straight away I picked up my phone to call her just to really make sure it was only a dream. She answered the phone. I tell ya the moment I heard her voice, I let out a huge breath of relief. I could breath again. In a shaky voice I told her that I love her.

From this dream I experienced something extraordinary. It made me realize how painful it is to lose someone. So I made a promise to myself no matter what, I will not think of anything that could hurt myself, my family nor loved ones.

So if you are reading this n thinking of suicide just remember this-everything happened for a reason and there is always a solution. Look on the bright side and look around you. You may think that you have the worst problem on earth and have no solutions. You may also like to think again that there are many people out there who are facing far more dramatic problems then yours. Examples, People who are facing poverty but still living their life OR people who are sick but still fighting for every second of their life. So why are you wasting your precious life?! Especially if you are young, there are many surprises ahead. Don't let a criticize or tease let you down. I believe everyone has a talent including You, so give yourself a challenge to discover it. Besides, thinking of a way to suicide is hard and a waste of time. During this time you could go out, do something fun. Believe me you'll find something amazing and more worthwhile sweetheart. Personally I met a few great friends and found the love of my life who treats me so well.

Oh have you thought of what could go wrong? Like fail suicide attempt could end you up in a hospital with a broken arm or leg and God knows what. That will only make matters worst for you and your loved ones right? So Keep Your Mind n Heart Open.

Lets be realistic. The main person to help you is you. My advice is don't just sit there alone thinking blah blah blah this n that suicidal stuff but actually go talk to an expert or someone you feel comfortable with. Have a cry and let it all out. This could really help you ease any pain. And like someone said after you help yourself you could then help others along the line. If you really can't talk to anyone, then try to keep yourself busy. Keeping yourself busy will help you from thinking harmful, unhealthy thoughts. If you are not working then find something to do that you enjoy like gardening, cooking, tidy up your room or even writing the ABC's in different styles. There are many ways. As a matter of fact nothing is perfect. Life is all about experimenting what works for you as there is no right to wrong.

Things that make me feel good when I am down are singing, food and shopping! When I'm broke I take a walk, do something I love at home. You might think the following method is a bit freaky or better as friendly social skills but it will work wonders- smile at everyone you see. If they smile back you'll feel good if not it doesn't really matter. Have a good laugh at everything, even when you are angry. Trust me it will cool things down, by then you think more clear and act accordingly.

By the way I ain't no expert. I'm just speaking from the mind from what I learnt and through experiences. Thank you for this wonderful website that allows me to reach out a helping hand (i hope i did). Sorry if it's too long. I really hope this helps anyone thinking along the way to harm themselves. My love sends to you!!! Goodluck and have a happy life.

Remember you will not achieve anything from suicide. Imagine the greater things u can achieve in LIFE.
So what are you waiting for...
Go catch your dreamz...

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cas_09 cas_09 wrote on August 20, 2011 at 1:26 pm
The reason for me why I still live...
4 years ago I met the most adorable, sweet, loving girl and loved her right away, right there from the start untill my dying breath.
Even when I've got nothing else, the slimmest chance (even when it's next to nothing) of us getting together and show her every day how much Ilove her and she means to me is enough to get me going.

No reasons for me to not to do it
It isn`t family I care about
I'm not afraid of God (should he exist)
I'm not afraid of the act itself

Reasons why I think I should be burried by now:
A great feeling of injustice that men keeps calling 'justice' prevents me to be able living with even minor comfort in such a society.
In a society which is the total opposite of my own, personal believes and principles, it's hell since I'm getting angry at every irrational, shortsighted, idiotic message that people seem to send out.
Almost all of the people are blinded by possesions, money, all those things that I consider worthless.
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john john wrote on June 20, 2011 at 1:25 pm
there is no God, only gods in our own image
there is no reason to live
there is no reason not to live
there is only drama
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philipp philipp wrote on June 11, 2011 at 1:25 pm
I have dreams i need to realize
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Charlie Charlie wrote on June 5, 2011 at 1:24 pm
I'm to lazy to actually kill myself
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mikmur mikmur wrote on May 16, 2011 at 1:20 pm
Because 20 years from now you might finally find that med that works for your depression. In fact you'll wake up every day & marvel that for once you don't feel like sticking a gun in your mouth. You'll become one of the most grateful people as you've known and tasted serious suffering. You'll also have more empathy and compassion for others. You may never do all those 'great' things. In fact, you might just find yourself 37, never married, childless, driving a junky car, working for a local charity you're passionate about, being a jesus freak, helping and having a plethora of misfit friends, a blind boyfriend who's the bestest, and unbelievably wildly happy. Well....content at least, lets not go too far. Nothing is perfect. Nothing ever will be. Ive kicked suicides rear, thats all I know.
Besides, trying to find that 'perfect' suicide method is a huge pain.
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ze ze wrote on May 13, 2011 at 1:21 pm
  • im 17 and still young
  • im engaged and in a loving relationship
  • i have family that love me
  • i have pets who need me
  • i still want to marry and travel
  • i want to discover and learn
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Nitish Nitish wrote on April 13, 2011 at 1:19 pm
If you are desperate to come out of the situation you are in , dont end yourself physically , because then there is no point of your life being unique and special . There is always a way . . . If nothing works , move to a different place , leave everything and start life afresh . . Start living for people who are in pain and endless sufferings . Think as if you have ended your life and got a new life only to reduce the pain and sufferings of people who are too weak to face their life all alone . . .
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Tina Tina wrote on April 9, 2011 at 1:10 pm
Please check out The Reasons to go on Living Project at

You will find stories of hope submitted by people like yourself, and the opportunity to share your story for research and inspiration.

My reason to live: I'm curious to see what will happen next. Life ain't so bad, might as well stick around for a while. Hey, you never know ...
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you dont care you dont care wrote on April 7, 2011 at 1:09 pm
i hate your reasons to live.
brainwashed, no thought, no empathy.

the main reason to live is to find a reason to live.

everyone is different, and some people are more simple than others.
some, however can think, and that is what makes you different.
use your mind, and your potential, talk to that girl, or find that goal.
if nothing else, find someone, or an idea, to live for.
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Walt Holliday Walt Holliday wrote on March 11, 2011 at 1:08 pm
All that I am and all that I have to give to others and the world would be lost forever.

Everyone who would have met me would have a life less that experience; consequently, their lives may not be as full as they would have been.

I would just have to do it all over again in my next life.

Perhaps, I have forgotten why I am here in the first place.

If you think you are your body and consequently, your living state is so closely tied to it, consider this. How much of the body could be cut away before YOU are no longer there. Quite a bit. You are not your body. So, who are you? And why are you?
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ActualWisdom ActualWisdom wrote on February 18, 2011 at 1:07 pm
Seriously, A good reason to live is knowing that there are millions of people out there less fortunate that would trade places with you in a goddamn heart beat. Thats the reason i dont even get close to suicide, thats the reason suicide just seems like such a selfish, cheap act.

Some people dont even have clean water.
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Already Gone...and back Already Gone...and back wrote on January 30, 2011 at 8:13 pm
Reason Not To Kill Myself Today:

This is not the first time I have wanted to die! I have felt defeated, hopeless and alone before. What I must remember is that since that time of despair, I have experienced joy-- feeling loved, happy, and glad to be alive, so I know it is possible to feel joy again.  When I was 23, I tried to commit suicide. I woke up in a hospital surrounded by the family and friends that I thought didn't care about me. I was wrong!They had kept a vigil at my bedside for days, praying that I would wake up and be given one more chance at life. The God that I thought had abandoned me heard their prayers and gave me that chance. At the time, I felt so unloved and alone that I couldn't remember or imagine feeling any other way. That was 27 years ago. Since that time, I have known the joy of falling in love, and being loved in return. I have experienced the miracle of giving birth three times, and I have had several deep and meaningful friendships that have filled my heart. I could not have forseen that any of that was possible then. Though my heart is broken now, it has been broken before, and healed.  When I tried to take my life, I was mourning the loss of a man whose face I cannot now recall.The man that I am now grieving,-I didn't even know he existed then. And though the loss of him is painful and it feels impossible that I will ever love again, I would gladly go through all of this pain for the experience of falling in love with him again. And though I now feel the sting of the betrayal of friends, I remember the gratitude I felt when first felt the comfort of their companionship. The friends who were my loyal companions, I did not know. I  had no plans to have children, so I could not have imagined the joy these three amazing souls brought to my life. I would have missed all of that.  When I tried to end my pain, it was because I couldn't see or imagine any possibility of relief from the crippling emotional pain I was in. But just because I can't see it, doesn't mean it isn't possible! Just because I can't imagine it today, doesn't mean it doesn't exist. There is so much more in the world than I can see or feel or imagine at any given time. So if I quit now, who knows what I will miss? I remember holding my daughter right after I had given birth to her. It was little more than a year since my suicide attempt, and here I was, laying in a hospital bed in tears again, only this time they were tears of joy. I held her in my arms with such gratitude and awe, remembering how close I came to missing all of the joy I was feeling.  The point is, I don't know what's ahead. Sure, there will probably be more pain, and maybe even more days that I want to die, but they are worth enduring for those moments when I am so grateful to be alive. I would gladly endure all of this heartache for a chance to hold that baby in my arms again--but she is 26 now, so it will never happen. The thing is, I don't know that I won't feel that joy again the first time I hold my first grandchild. Who knows what other joys are ahead of me that I can't even imagine right now. As lousy and lonely and hopeless as I feel right now, I am willing to endure it if it means I have a shot at feeling that kind of love and hope and gratitude again. That's enough to make life worth living for me.
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Keli Keli wrote on January 17, 2011 at 1:06 pm
I've thought about it alot in my life, and the last time I did, I was on the edge ready to go, I wasn't scared, I've been through that one!!! And here it is, I'd rather feel than not feel at all, after this thought I've never thought about it since, well never done anything.
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Edith Edith wrote on December 10, 2010 at 1:05 pm
God will make a way where there is none.
God has a plant to give us hope and a future
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Scholastica Scholastica wrote on November 21, 2010 at 1:04 pm
To find out what happens next. To see if my story has a happy ending
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Sara Sara wrote on October 30, 2010 at 12:59 pm
My reason to live is to make my friends happy, dying will trouble them, you know.
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Kirkensillo Kirkensillo wrote on September 23, 2010 at 12:58 pm
I'm peruvian and I've come all this long just to say that I wan to live enough to see how humankind evolves into a non-violent race and into a peacefull lively guest in the world of unknown.

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Dad/Husband Dad/Husband wrote on September 22, 2010 at 12:58 pm
I love my wife and I love my boys.  We would miss each other too much if I took my life.  We would be deprived of the happiness and good times to come as we live and grow and laugh together.  I cannot bear to cause them or myself such excruciating pain as to leave them here on Earth and go away.  I'm going to hang in there and savor every good moment and forget the bad ones for the rest of my natural life.  I'm going to take delight and wonder in amazement at the beauty and abundance of nature, and in the goodness of people.  Thank you for this forum to air my thoughts and perhaps to help another soul 'stick it out' here.
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Dimanche Dimanche wrote on September 2, 2010 at 12:50 pm
To listen to your new favourite music band's next album. Music is life whether you're a part of or just a listener!
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Jake Jake wrote on June 9, 2010 at 12:48 pm
Today because I'm working thru things with a trusted therapist -- I believe that she believes it will get better. And that is enough for today.
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Ayrin Ayrin wrote on June 4, 2010 at 12:46 pm
Right now I really want to give up life maybe because I`m too tired so I made a list with my reasons to live and reasons to die:
Reasons to live
- men like me because I`m cute and funny
- my life doesn`t belong to me alone, I need to take care of my parents when they will get old + my dad will die if I die
- I have a beautiful smile and I make people smile
- I`m smart and maybe in the future I`ll become rich.. so I`m curious
- Curiosity : to see what happens next
Reasons to die
- I`m tired
- I overwork myself to have a career but I`m low payed and explotated and the worst of it is that I know this and yet I don`t resign
- My boss temper kills me slowly but sure
- My parents pretend that they don`t notice
- My boyfriend who doesn`t care about my problems, but searches conforting in my arms for his problems
- The problem-free aura I carry around

What stops me to die:
- the thought that maybe what awaits death is just nothingless
- lack of courage to die
- the fear that I might become invalid the fear of pain
- the fear that people might say that the devil brainwashed me and not that this is something I`m planning for a long time
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Dishy Dishy wrote on May 25, 2010 at 8:07 pm
I've had a pretty keen sense of justice all my life. So keen, that my anger at injustice, and my feelings of impotence have often triggered depression episodes. Maybe you know how that goes - but anger always seems to be first - then, when I can't maintain that high-energy feeling any longer - I sink into depression. I'm often so disgusted by the ubiquitous injustice I see inflicted on others, and the injustices large and small I have experienced myself, that I consider checking out in disgust - but to be honest, I think LOGIC saves me, and gives me the reason I need to fight through.

You see, I'm angry because people are so rude, so uncaring, so unreliable, so disinclined to kindness, so quick to bully, ridicule, judge and humiliate others, and so thoughtless about the impact they can have on someone who is fragile. This decision to do something thoughtless or callous 'because they can' does enormous damage to people who are sensitive or traumatised, frightened or tired. I get angry at peoples reluctance to take responsibility for their actions, and consider the impact it would have.

So the logic that saves me every time is this:

If there is ONE person out there who is fragile, and that person happens to know me, like me, think I'm funny, or remember me being kind to them... whether its my cousin's girlfriend, an elderly relative, or a work colleague's eight year old child. then for me to check out, I would be impacting on that person in the worst possible way. I would be guilty of the same irresponsible thoughtlessness that I rant against! I can't bring myself to emulate the thing that makes me so angry. So my only other option is that I have to stick around - because we need to swell the numbers of GOOD people who DO get it. Can't let the bad guys win the world. Sure they sometimes win the battle - and that is infuriating beyond bearing, and I often don't know how to contain it - but LETTING them win the war by dwindling our own number is just utterly unthinkable!

So here's what I'm going to try today. I'm going to go out and do a random act of kindness - because I want the bastards to lose the battle today. I'm going to smile generously at the next person I see, even if they piss me off - just to tip the score in favour of the good guys for one more day.

If you're having one of those stay at home days today - just close your eyes and send me a happiness vibe, a prayer or a luck fairy to spur me on.
It's the best revenge against the half-wits!

xx Dishy
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pain pain wrote on May 13, 2010 at 8:03 pm
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JR JR wrote on April 14, 2010 at 8:02 pm
Being there to teach my 4 year old to be nice to peope and himself.
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funke funke wrote on March 23, 2010 at 8:01 pm
The most profound reason I will like to stay alive is because I love the effect I have on people when i walk into a room, I am beautiful...but I don't maintain relationships so i ave a ton of friends I really couldn't care less about.

Well,...reading Kim's story was comforting, I have never thought I'd still want to kill myself if I owned a house or a brand new car.

I really do not care whether I live or die, but death is so welcome.

Right now I have Master's exams in a month and since I am not assimilating what i am studying, I really want to die. But my girlfriend in another city is coming over to spend her leave with my parents and i, so maybe I want to postpone the thought of death until after that. That is very selfish.

I have a great life, I have like 10 suitors but i can't make up my mind because i have bipolar disorder and I wake up in love with a different person everyday so when i think of marriage i want to kill myself, but I have never had sex before and I am 29 so maybe I will like to stay alive and experience sex within the confines of marriage , thereafter I could die.

Truth is i have no foolproof way to kill myself, and I don't want to be an invalid.

But i have a new make-up and jewelry stash so maybe i will kill myself after I am tired of them.

I basically live for those little joys that never last, I am a Christian but I do not enjoy the joy which the spirit gives. Deep down i really want to stay alive and enjoy every bit of life but I made a mistake in my past that haunts me terribly and each time the hurts comes up, I want to kill myself again.

Please stay alive so you can read my next comment because I enjoy writing what I call gibberish and really think I enjoy the fun people derive from reading them, so please stay alive because life is fun when you cast off your cares.
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Just a girl, just an ordinary girl Just a girl, just an ordinary girl wrote on March 14, 2010 at 7:57 pm
My reason to live: I want to find someone who can make me smile just by seeing their face, who can make my thoughts of ending it all disappear with just a touch. I want to find that perosn and thank them for saving me.
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Jan Jan wrote on February 28, 2010 at 7:55 pm
I wish I had to weakness to kill myself.....or is it the fact.....that my strengh to live is more than wanting to die. I also know that life always changes.
It never stays the same. I look back on my life and think yes ! I have had quite a full life. So now I am older (old) 63, I do have an illness that affects my health....but I just get on with it. I look at people whom I have known who have committed suicide, and thought they have got out of the pain....but never really seen what could have happened if they had lived.. I do not mean the people who have sadly been addicted to drink or drugs, thats their life ! But even for them there is a choice if they get the strengh to change...Prayer can work.
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AL AL wrote on February 7, 2010 at 7:52 pm
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CharlesAY CharlesAY wrote on December 30, 2009 at 7:46 pm
I do not believe in God, and thus do not believe in Hell. I am not afraid to die because I may go to Hell. That is not my fear. The truth is, one who does not believe in an afterlife has much more to fear than anyone religious, whether they are destined to go to Heaven or Hell, because one who does not share such supernatural beliefs has to accept, to themselves, that when they die, all that awaits them is nothingness. I fear nothingness.
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maria maria wrote on December 12, 2009 at 7:45 pm
I couldn't hurt my loved ones like my sister hurt me when she took her own life
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MsDeb MsDeb wrote on December 4, 2009 at 7:43 pm
It is amazing what one can find, when one types in the query: show me a reason to live. I read your posts, and I know that I am not alone. I suspect that I am older than you, and I am currently under the care of a psychiatrist who thinks that all emotional pain can be cured by Cymbalta.
I could relate to the poster, about the only reason to live was to protect her dogs. I feel the same, yet I have a husband, 2 children who are happily married, and 3 grandchildren.
But, I am haunted by how one small mistake derailed the path of my life, and I find myself here at the end, never knowing who I was meant to be. I have never lived alone. I have never been totally responsible for myself.
On the surface, I have nothing to complain about. But, I want, with every fiber of my being to turn the clock back to June of 1969, and never date my ex-husband. I knew instinctively that he wasn't right for me, but when I tried to end it - he said that he would kill himself if I broke up with him. And, so, I felt trapped, responsible, and I stayed. I put him through dental school, shared his Navy career, had 2 beautiful children, did lots of volunteer work, yet never lived. Today, we all know, that if someone says that, get them help. In those days, you did not tell anyone. Yet, maybe if I had, my mother would have rescued me, andn my life would have taken the path it was meant to have. Anyway, today, my good reason to live is a 10 yearl old Yorkie, named Bear, who is dying of heart failure. May God bless and care for you all.
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Josh Josh wrote on November 25, 2009 at 7:39 pm
My reasons to live started out with my dying would be an insult to all those people much worse off than me in poverty...
it seemed a copout at the time, but i could only think of a couple of people that i really wanted to live for, but since then i have added alot of other things, small at first like the warmth of a fire, and the taste of fruity things (YUMMY)
admittedly i have enough reasons to stop me from killing myself, but i still drive without a seatbelt and do reckless things and think about it alot...
see how we go aye
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Maureen Maureen wrote on November 17, 2009 at 7:33 pm
Love is our birthright. Whether I feel it towards myself or not right now, the question becomes would I kill someone I love. If the answer is no, there must be some way to internalize that towards ourselves, to love the unloved places.
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Yvon Yvon wrote on October 29, 2009 at 7:29 pm
To help others live for Christ and to be a living testimony for God
To see my daughters make something of their lives
To know my biological mother after she left me for over 52 years
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H20Lillee H20Lillee wrote on September 26, 2009 at 5:17 pm
Who would take care of my dogs the way they need to. That is my only reason as of now. The rest is all reasons NOT taking into account that you are financially broken, emotionally raped, physically in pain, there is no end in sight for the pain, physical or emotional, and you have NO social support system. The last fricking thing someone that is this morbid feels like doing is going out to make new friends!

Good luck with your decisions. But if you have a family, a love, a person that knows you exist, that is hope, and give it more thought. I don't.
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cookieyang cookieyang wrote on September 10, 2009 at 5:32 pm
--- you know what will happen tomorrow?
---I don't know.
---why not experience it by yourself? maybe a miracle is waiting for you😊
---ok.I have a try
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Reason Reason wrote on July 2, 2009 at 5:05 pm
Just to deprive the dark forces of the satisfaction of making you lose all hope and kill yourself.
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Twotter Twotter wrote on June 29, 2009 at 7:27 pm
My mummy loves me
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Alex Alex wrote on May 15, 2009 at 5:02 pm
There will allways be some one who loves you
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jazzy jazzy wrote on February 9, 2009 at 4:46 pm
I live moment to moment and live to make something meaningful out of tragedies. I will not be who I was before but every day I choose to believe that something good is yet to come.
I live to give meaning to others affected by tragedies and trauma. I can no longer counsel as I hurt too much. I can just look around for beauty in the little things. it is enough to be where i am at and to look forward to better days ahead.I surround myself with the unconditional love of my dog so I have that joy to share.
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Stacey Stacey wrote on November 24, 2008 at 5:36 pm
So that I can help others.
So that I can save my marriage and my family.
So that I can leave my mark in this world, and know that it made a difference.
So that I can be the first in my family to break the cycle of abuse.
So I can learn what it is, and how it feels, to be a GOOD mother.
So that I can close my eyes at night, and feel true peace.
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TJ TJ from Malibu wrote on November 23, 2008 at 3:29 pm
Watching my kidz smile😊 and laugh😄
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Rachel Rachel from USA wrote on September 8, 2008 at 4:42 pm
Good reasons to live:
  • To see the beauty in the world--even if it's just a humble weed growing in a crack of cement, or a glimpse of the sky showing between tall buildings.
  • To be able to add to the beauty in the world--even if it's just making tea and toast for a friend, or for yourself. Wipe the table. Fold your napkin. Enjoy your tea.
  • To make things better for somebody else--even if it's just a kind smile at a stranger, or holding a door open for the person walking behind you.
  • To keep going until you can really shine your light onto the world...because your combination of gifts is unique.
  • To be able to say "I had hard times, but I worked my way to better days."
  • To be able to pass this on to another person.
  • Whoever is reading this, breathe deeply, be assured that you can make a positive difference in the world, and be kind to yourself. Start small and keep going. Life is a gift, even when it's painful. I'm not just saying this--I'm comforting myself at the same time.
Thank you for running this Web site. Would you consider starting a wall where people could post their responses to the "reason to live wall?"

Copyright 2008, by Rachel, USA. Feel free to share this--just credit my name and quote me accurately.
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Alexander Alexander wrote on January 9, 2008 at 5:33 pm
One of my big reasons to live is my family (my sister, my two brothers, my niece and nephew). My parents passed away eleven years ago and my life have been full of obstacles, but everytime I face a difficult situation I think on my family. They expect great things from me and I can not defraud them. In difficult times when I feel alone I also think on my parents and I remember those wonderful moments that we shared together. Remembering those moments make me feel that my parents are still next to me. My dream of transfering to a four year college next semester is another reason to live. By writing this sentences my mind and my heart is starting to find more and more reasons to live. Lifeis so short that we have to make sure that we find a reason to live in everything we do, and in everyone who is around us. I learned that in life there are not mistakes only lessons.
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Desiree Desiree wrote on October 13, 2007 at 5:27 pm
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S.S. S.S. wrote on September 6, 2007 at 4:50 pm
If your going through hell, keep going, because someday there will be a better time. : D😛
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Alene Alene from Florida wrote on August 19, 2007 at 3:13 pm
To see my grandchildren someday!
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Narelle Narelle wrote on July 28, 2007 at 3:16 pm
Beautiful Sunsets
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Katie Katie wrote on July 21, 2007 at 3:45 pm
To stay with my wonderful boyfriend as long as I possibly can.💕
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Cupid Cupid from Heaven wrote on July 12, 2007 at 3:22 pm

❤❤ ❤❤
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Shirlin Shirlin wrote on April 25, 2007 at 3:41 pm
Life is so beautiful
Always THINK at the positive angle, believe you can make it in your LIFE
Each day we earn a day whether we are Happy or Sad
so be HAPPY !
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Sascha Sascha wrote on April 18, 2007 at 3:36 pm
💕 Hope 💕
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mishca mishca wrote on March 25, 2007 at 3:32 pm
To beat the cancer i have!
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ME ME wrote on March 23, 2007 at 3:19 pm
Family, Adventure, The Future!
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Kim Kim wrote on March 22, 2007 at 3:09 pm
I want to conquer life not be beaten by it!
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Missy Missy from Adelaide wrote on March 22, 2007 at 2:58 pm
My reason to live is the thought of how my family would miss me if I wasn't here.
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Tony Tony wrote on August 23, 2006 at 2:27 pm
My little girl and little boy😎😎
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