How To Find An Entry You Want
Have you arrived at this blog page from a search only to find the page has nothing to do with what you were looking for?
If so you have arrived after the entry you seek has become an old entry and is no longer on the front page of the blog.
I’m sorry about that but don’t despair. The entry you want is here somewhere and it won’t be hard to find.
If you look towards the top of this page you will see, on the left side of the menu bar, there are three vertical lines. On the right side of the menu bar there is a small magnifying glass icon.
If you click the three bars a side bar will open with a search bar and you can search for the title, or topic, you want. If you click the magnifying glass icon a search bar will replace the menu bar and you can search there instead. Both searches will bring up a page with several options in response to your search.
Another way to find an entry of interest to you is to go to the very top, or very bottom, of the site where you will find “Site Map”s. If you click on that link it will take you to a list giving you the title of every entry in this blog ordered by category.
I have tried to make the title of every entry describe what the entry is about so look for the keywords you are interested in as you browse the list.
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Help with the Website
Words By Kim also contains a free help column, a “Reasons To Live” wall, informative articles and a blog.
The title of the blog is “In My Own Words” and it contains a wide variety of entries. There are “Lessons From God” entries that detail conversations I believe I have had with God that taught me very important lessons. There are “Addiction” entries that deal with my addictions to nicotine, gambling, online games, and food. There are “My Health” entries that deal with my battles with depression, cancer, and the aftermath of losing my thyroid gland to that cancer. There are also “Psychology” entries dealing with life skills and relationship issues. For a full list of pages, categories, and blog entries you can go to the “Site Map“.