Help For Abusers
I am feeling overwhelmed by the number of people who are coming to this site seeking help to stop being abusive. I have a lot of letters from them and the site gets at least 100 and sometimes as many as 300 hits PER DAY from search terms that indicate people want to stop abusing their loved ones.
I have been working on a resource to try and help them but this is a complex issue and one that really should be addressed in therapy!
I’ve created some stuff but there is so much more to do. The stuff I have created needs polishing and then it all needs to be organized and sorted. It also needs to be presented in a way that won’t overwhelm people but I’m feeling pressured to get stuff online and worry about all the rest later.
I’m sick! I’m tired! It takes all my energy to function and I don’t have any to spare to work on this project! When I have spare time I just want to relax. I work in a job that involves helping people and it’s tough. Where am I supposed to get the extra energy to help people in my spare time as well? I answer letters asking me for help and, most of the time, they never respond so I have no idea if I helped them or not and that leaves me feeling pretty sure I wasted my time trying. I am a perfectionist – I don’t want to post half finished work – I want to post a perfect version of the resource or nothing!
Waaah, Waaah, Snivel, whine, whinge, moan, poor me, etc. etc.
OK, now that’s off my chest, time to bite the bullet. God would not be pressuring me (via letters from people and hits on the site) to do this if it was not important. God would not let me waste time and energy so this must be important and it must be going to help people. It doesn’t matter if I never find out who or how. All that matters is that I do what I think God wants me to do and I am convinced God is telling me something is better than nothing so something is what people are going to get.
The first post is the abuse questionnaire I created and it is in several parts. I have already posted it all and this entry is designed to move it to it’s permanent spot on the internet. This page is the current entry and it changes every time I post a new entry. Once an entry leaves this page the search engines will take people to the permanent page instead of here.
Have a look if you are interested. The questionnaire starts HERE.
It’s not as good as I would like it to be but it will have to do. Post feedback if you have any.