I’ve Been Gone Too Long
I’ve been gone a long time I know. It wasn’t entirely voluntary on my part. My website manager moved to another country and I just let things slide instead of letting him know things were falling down. Parts of the site went down, as far as I can tell, in 2013 and I lost access to everything altogether about a year or two ago.
But I’m back now and I’m hoping it will stay that way. This is just a catch up entry to let you know I will be adding more entries soon and to give you an idea of how things are with me at present. I will enlarge on things later but, for now, here are the headlines.
I am still an ex-smoker. Have not had a single puff for something like five years. See the quit smoking counter top right for the exact number of days.
I have changed jobs because I was made redundant almost two years ago.
I’ve moved house twice.
I bought a new car with the savings from my smoking and got rear ended about three months after taking delivery.
There is still no sign of the thyroid cancer returning but I’m not getting check ups any more because… I’ll tell you later!
I’m fatter than I’ve ever been! So fat my blood pressure is now too high and I have high cholesterol and a “fatty liver”. Sigh.
I still believe in God and still try to communicate with Him. I don’t hear from Him as much these days but that’s my fault. Sadly, I tend to wait until I am in crisis before I will turn to Him and listen for His voice.
I’m no longer having any problems with gambling or online gaming. My main addiction problem now is food. Sigh.
I will go into more detail about these things in future entries but, for now, I’m editing the things I’ve already written. I’m checking that links still work, changing pictures, adding new ones, or putting them back into entries when they have gotten lost. I’m getting rid of random characters that have inserted themselves into various places and generally cleaning things up.
I hope you will bear with me while I get the place cleaned up and the dust swept out but the main thing is I’m BACK.
(Listens for the sound of enthusiastic applause but only hears crickets)